first deer?
1/12/07 6:24pm
What was youre first deer you ever got? Mine was a 2 point
Shot a 270
First buck was a 2X3 when I was 16.
Nice one, thanks for posting.
that i got with archery equipment (was i proud :thumb )
took me 9 year to actually connect on a big game animal(black bear)
and i 've been successful every year ever since.
in fact we started hunting deer the first year(i was 14)
cause dad saw 2 or 3 deer tracks in our fields during summer LOL
took 3 year to see a live deer during hunting season (a doe with 2 fawns that came underneat my stand during a drive, but it was buck only)
i continued to give my best each and every year, even if some were questionning my sanity. and at last it paid off.
That is a slug gun right. Were did you get the deer, you don't see tomany people use slug guns around here.
Nice pics thanks for sharing.
He was also the ONLY one I have ever taken that was more than a 3x2. The smaller ones do taste better though.
I didn't come from a hunting family either so I was by myself. In fact I have never harvested an animal with someone around.
The only directions I had on gutting my first deer was given to me before I went. I was told to cut from its hole to its chest and take out everything that doesn't look like you would eat it.(???) Needless to say it was a mess. I'm sure a pack of coyotes could have done a cleaner job. ](*,)
I will NEVER forget that day......
Ridgetop, Thanks for posting a picture. :thumb
I second that, WELCOME to MuleyMadness.
Nice photo, thanks for digging it up. I don't have a picture of my first one.
But do have a picture of one of my first "dinks", may have to dig it up also.
Sorry, didnt mean to turn this into something this long. Hope I at least entertained you a little bit.
that dwarfs mine. :)
Wish I was so lucky...first, second, or twentieth buck!
I grew up in the south hunting whitetails and had plenty of near misses and misadventures. If there was a way to have bad luck I'd find it. Finally when I turned 19 things started working out for me and I killed my first deer, a 3x2 buck in the edge of my yard (ok, we had a big yard and no neighbors for miles). After that first one it became pretty easy.
I shot my first muley (a 3x3) on my third trip to Colorado in 1998 and I won't kill another one until I have a chance at a big one.
Welcome and thanks for your 1st story!
i was 14 my first year I could hunt he walked out of a clearing at about 150 yards there was me my step dad and my uncle they were yelling at me to shoot or they would next thing I remember was aloud boom and the deer going down my stepdad asked who shot and i didnt know until checked my chamber and found an empty casing then I said guess I did I was so pumped up I wasnt sure. I ended up hitting him in the base of the skull lucky I even hit him at all. I'm sure I was so concerned about his horns I almost missed.
In flat-top wilderness area in colorado, my dad and i both filled out tags by 9am opening morningg!
This year same place, missed a 3x3 buck ](*,)