first elk ever
8/31/10 4:13pm
Ok. This will be my first elk hunt ever. And du to some crazyness I really haven't had a chance to scout. But I have a general season bull tag. Sorry. {I live in vernal utah} I moved here about 3 weeks ago. And don't know anyone or any areas. Iv been told there are some big bulls outhere. But don't know the first place to even start looking. Any help would be great. Thanks.
There is some really nice bulls right there on the south slope. I hunted up Uintah canyon by U-bar ranch last year and there were Elk all over! If you do decide to go up that way you just have to be careful to make sure you don't cross onto the Indian land but there are some nice bulls up there. My buddy shot a 350 bull opening morning last year by U-bar ranch.