first ever post
3/7/09 9:06am
I'm not sure why my post did not work the first time but I will try this 1 more time. I have been shed hunting for over 10 years now but I have never posted anything on any web sites (I am very slow to accept tecnology). I enjoy looking at other shed hunters finds so I figured it is only fair that I try to post a few of my own. I have picked up 10 thousand+ sheds over the years. The sad part is that I never took A.T.L. photos untill last year. I really don't even know where to start as far as what pics. to post so I will just pick a few of my favorite A.T.L. pics. from this year and last year. Let me know if you like them and will post more when I get some time. I don't think I will run out of sheds to show for a very, very long time
I really dig that non-typical 16 point. Very, Very nice.
I think we all just became big fans of yours. :)
What state/province you from?
Those are very nice finds and great photography. Keep up the goood work.
Thanks for sharing.
+ 1 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
I just want to say I think it is awesome that you decided to join. ::wel Thanks for the ATL's and thanks for telling me what to look for in an area to start shed hunting. From what you've showed me of your collection you are truely the king shed hunter. There's a few posts out there that have a side or a set that might measure better than your best, but your consistency and number of sheds found is amazing. Last Saturday would have been a prime weekend for you to be out. I know you spent it with your oldest daughter and family. Congratulations on being a great dad. :thumb Here's to hoping to see some more great finds.
your shed must be the buck we were talking about for all those yrs! thanks for posting! 10sign: 10sign: