First Red Fox

Finally got my first fox today." alt="" />" alt="" />

Hit it a sixty two yards. Surprised that I got it I haven't shot my bow for almost a year now.
GOOD JOB !! Bow Nut, long shot too.
Looks nice and green out your way. 10sign:
Springville Shooter
Great shootin....I would love to kill a red fox for my pelt collection now that I live out here where they are. I have a grey fox, coyote, and bobcat from California already. Did you call him in, or spot and stock him? either way, predators with a bow are hard to get for sure. I thought about trying to call one in with a mouse squeaker, thats what I used to use on greys out west. -------SS
Wow, nice shot. Yes looks green for sure. What's the story?
We have always had foxes running around on the farm and we have left them alone as long as they stay out in the fields and eat mice and voles. This one started hanging out during the day to do it's hunting and ever so slowly it kept getting closer to the house as time went by. The wife started getting nervous that it would get one of her little kicker dogs or into our chickens. So once it started hanging out with in a hunded yards of the house even when we were outside working in the yard I decided that it was time for it to go. It let me walk to within forty five yards it took off and stopped at sixty two when I ranged it and shot.

Sorry no good spot and stalk or calling it in story. But still proud of the shot.

Yes it is nice and green here now and it's wonderful. Now if it would just warm up a little all would be well.
Any predator, bird, or something small with a bow is awesome. Add 62 yards to the equation and that is impressive. :thumb
Fox hunting is one of my favorite Winter past times. Never taken one with a bow. At 62 yards that's a small target. Good shot! :thumb
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Nice! Always have wanted to get one...kinda new to predator hunting though just like everything else but I love it anyway so its all good. Keep on it! Congrats 10sign:
Good looking fox and Congrats =D>
VERY nice!