First Shed of 2012

Went out for about an hour and found this 3 point. We also seen 5 bucks still packing both sides.
Nice fresh brown. I saw a couple bucks in my neck of the woods on the 11th (Saturday), all still packing .
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Nice looking shed. My buds went out yesterday and found a nice solid 4 point... I'm bummed I couldn't go! Most are still packing here too.
Went out to check on a group of bucks. Watched the two biggest bucks fight like they wanted to kill eachother for about 7-8 minutes then the bigger one went over a raked on a tree for a couple minutes.... needless to say thier horns are on pretty tight.
What the? Please tell me you have this on video or I'll
have to drive up there and woop your butt. lol
You know I got it on video haha I never go on the hill without my camera. Broke my camera not to long ago so I never went on the hill until I got a new camera haha
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Sweet find i cant hardly wait have seen a few smaller bucks that have lost one side but the big ones still packin ](*,) i cant hardly stand it want to go so bad im driving myself crazy
I went out today and saw 5 bucks still packing, a bunch of does and one little bald buck, but a friend of mine picked up a nice four point the other day so some are dropping but i think the majority are still packing.