First time headed out of state!
6/21/13 11:22am
Well my wife and I will finally be going out of the state of Utah to hunt. We ended up drawing Unit 31 Limited 1 tags (third choice). We are pretty excited though. Should be a fun little adventure nonetheless. Been looking at maps and searching the internet looking for info and thinking we will end up hunting the Hat Six HMA if we can. But if anybody has any advice they would be willing to share it would be appreciated. Trying to do my homework to make it a fun hunt. Not after monster bucks but would be happy to just see and maybe get on some average sized bucks for that area. Best of luck to all you that drew!
FireFighterBraun, the better hunting on the HatSix area is off the road by half a mile or more. Get a dead sled or a game cart with solid wheels (cactus). It makes game retrieval so much easier. There is or was some state land further south towards Douglas, but it was hard hunted when I was there last. Goats were pretty spooky. Good luck with your hunt.
SnakeRiver, thanks for the heads up on the dead sled or cart, had been thinking I should probably invest in one. And we are no strangers to hiking to get to the game so the further we can get from the road the better in my opinion. Should be a fun hunt and trying to learn how to hunt these animals and a good time with my wife to see what we can get. Do you think we should see quite a few lopes? and roughly what size would be shooter bucks up in that area? 12-13"? Just don't want to pull the trigger too soon if the area could hold better. We are planning on hunting for 3 days up there. Thanks again for the help.
Here's one I shot on Hat Six:
My friends antelope from the "snow goat trip"
Other friends doe antelope from the "snow goat trip"