first time mule deer hunting, lots of questions
horse sense
10/1/07 3:12pm
I am hunting with a friends family near Glasgow, Mt Nov 2-10 for mule deer. This will be my first attempt at anything other than white tails and I am very excited. I have been practicing out to 350 yards, walking 3 miles a day and pouring over photos of mulies. Does anyone know anything about this general area? and any other helpfull hints would be appreciated.
thank you. this is a great site.
horse sense
thank you. this is a great site.
horse sense
Keep us posted and take a lot of pics to share afterward!
horse sense
Don't know the area either, WELCOME and best of LUCK!!
As far as my BIPOD, I LOVE IT. Bit heavy yes, but I never take it off hunting and have had great success with it.
Maps are VERY important for a few reasons. 1, most of the land is private, and there is no visible way to tell the difference. You DON'T want to be caught on private land without permission. 2, This is big country, many miles between gas stations, coming out you could easily take a dead end road.3, get your hunting spot all figured out before you go, by having the right maps you can do this.
Do you have B licenses, or the Deer Combo? Why N of Glasgow? The rough country is to the South.
I will start the map process today. I'm still confused about block management section. The land we are going to hunt is North of Glasgow I believe. (based on second hand information from my buddy that has talked to his relatives that live in Glasgow) Can I get the block management information from the landowner? We have been trying to hunt here for the last four years and have not drawn a deer tag. this year we applied for and got a deer/elk combo tag. It was more $, but we got the tag. I don't know what we wil do with the elk tag, as there are not elk in this part of Monatana, but we are really only after Mule deer. This land you refer to south of Glasgow is it public? If so can we just find a spot on the map that looks good and have a go at the area? In Alabama, almost all public land is in managment areas and they are very heavily hunted (and only on certain days) so we tend to shy away form them for safety reasons. Thanks for your help. I am getting very excited about this hunt as it will be my first hunt outside of the south.