First time muzzleloader success for father and son.

I thought that I had reached the pinnacle of my hunting experience last year when I harvested a 188 4/8 net typical mule deer. That was until a few days ago. My son who just this month turned 12, was able to participate in the muzzleloader hunt for his first hunting experience. Being the first year for me in the dedicated hunter program, I felt my main goal was to help my son harvest his first buck. When the first opportunity presented itself where a shot could be fired, my son declined the shot due to the length and angle of the two bucks. So, I couldn't resist taking the shot. Seeing two shooter bucks within shooting range doesn't happen every day. So I took the shot at the deer that presented me with the best vital view and harvested my first ever buck with a muzzleloader and another buck of a lifetime.
Springville Shooter
WOWSERS!! What a haul. You guys did real good. I'd say that a father-son trip to the taxidermist is in order.------SS
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That trip occurred shortly after we got home. I just picked up my mount from last year a few weeks ago. When I was picking it up, the taxidermist jokingly said, "bring me another one soon." I think he was the only person more shocked than us.
Wow, flat out cool and impressive. Both awesome bucks, your boy must be on cloud nine. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
Very well done, congratulations on a couple great bucks. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a buck like that be your first!
Not sure it gets any better than that, congrats to both you and your son!
Good work gentlemen!
Couple of great bucks! Well done!
Couple of great bucks! Well done!
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Thank you for all the comments. The one down side to harvesting a deer on the first day of the muzzeloader hunt and having my son tag out on the second day, is that I have to wait 300 plus days to do it again. The itch to get back out hunting mule deer has already set in.
UNREAL!!! That's so awesome man! Kudos to you for giving your son first dibs at a buck that huge, haha. I'd like to say I would do the same, but man, I just don't know, haha. I'm still ecstatic over my little 3 point, lol, I can't even imagine taking a buck that HUGE! That's so awesome that both of you got great bucks, well done, that kid has got to be hooked now!
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two awesome looking bucks right there. congrats to both u and ur son
Awesome work, awesome story. Congrats
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Well done. Congrats.
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Those are two awesome bucks! And they are made even more awesome by being taken by a father and son team.
Wow, great bucks! Congrats. How does your buck compare to the one you shot last year. He has to be fairly close.
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This deer beat the one from the year before in gross. It has an official gross score of 200 and a net typical of 178 and net non-typical of over 190. My sons ended up with a gross 187 and net typical 172.

I was glad to find that I didn't ruin my son for good. This year after passing on a nice 3 point the first morning of the muzzleloader hunt, I reminded him that it isn't wise to pass on a deer the first day that he would gladly take on the last day. So when we saw a similar buck that evening, he didn't hesitate. He made a great kill shot from 100yds. I think the smile on his face was just as big if not bigger this year.
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Awesome story! Congrats on two killer bucks!
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Not completely done with the finishing touches on the pedestal but I was able to finally get the mounts up. Grateful for a taxidermist who understood my vision. Couldn't be happier. Now I just have to deal with a daughter who is expecting similar results this year on her first hunt.
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Awesome mount!
That pedestal looks sweet