First time out coyote hunting!

Well, I went out coyote hunting for the first time yesterday and had a pretty good time. On my first set up I got some action... I did a fawn in distress call and got a doe all riled up! I set up with my back against a stand of timber overlooking a field and she must have been bedded pretty close by because only 3 or 4 minutes after my first call sequence I heard her come up behind me... She ended up coming out of the trees about twenty yards away looking like she was ready to kill someone. She started trotting my way and was getting a little close for comfort so I made sure she saw and heard me. She started running off and I let out another distress call and she turned around and started running my way again haha I thought for sure I was gonna get my butt kicked by this deer.

Im new to this whole thing so I could use some advice... Is there anything special you look for when looking for a place to hunt? How does everyone go about scouting? I enjoy the whole process, from scouting to getting an animal on the ground (not so big a fan of the work after that) so If you could just help me understand what it is you guys do to scout and find places, that would be very helpful. And if there is anyone out there near the rexburg, ID or Salt Lake area that would be willing to show me the ropes I would definitely love to go out and see how its done.

On saturday I just went off what I have read online, but maybe you experienced coyote guys could fill me in on the tricks of the trade. I only hunted for about an hour cause I was with some friends that arent all that patient or crazy about hunting as I am. So of course next time I go it will be at the least, a half day/4 hour thing. But basically, I set up three different times and did 3 or 4 different call sequences in a 15-20 minute period. After each set up i would move about a half mile or so and start again. Is that the essence of it? What should I be doing differently?

Thanks for any help guys! :thumb
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Just a word of caution Archer. Be careful with that fawn in distress call. Cougar and Bear will come to that call also. good Luck.
Thanks JLROOT... Wouldnt want something to sneak up behind me. Ill be careful with it. Anyone have an other words of advice for me? I could use any help I can get!
Springville Shooter
I don't waste alot of time calling in areas that don't have a considerable amount of coyote sign. Try to locate travel routes by the presence of different ages of scat left along a road/trail/fenceline, or other natural travel route. In my experience, areas with alot of coyotes will always have good sign. Other than that, early morning is best and the wind and your approach to a stand are very important. Good luck and don't give up. ----SS
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Only good coyote is a dead coyote
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I look at washes, ravines, and other natural drainages. Coyotes like to travel these. Farms are always good, lots of stuff for them to eat around those. Pick areas where there aren't many people. Coyotes are everywhere, but the ones close to town have seen and heard everything. They'll be difficult to call in. I'm finding that traveling about 35 miles from civilization nets good results.