First Timer here in need of help

This is my first post here on MM but from everything i have seen so far it seems like a great forum. Me and a buddy drew region W muley buck tags in Wyoming and are heading up for the opening of rifle season. Region W is units 82/100/101/131 and limited quota in units 84 and 102. Does anyone have any tips for a more specific area or anything. This is our first time hunting in wyoming and hunting muley's in general. I just got back from a pdog hunt in Casper and on the way back i drove through Baggs, WY and checked out some BLM land about 9 miles north of baggs near muddy mountain. Absolutely beautiful country and i cant wait to head out. Most everyone i have talked to has said to hunt the open BLM land and not the mountains of medicine bow. This is a purely DIY hunt so any tips you all can give me will be of great help

Thanks for the help
steve elmenhorst
::wel lerch
I haven't been up in that area but I'm sure someone will pipe in shortly. Best advice I can give you on hunting a new area is scout, scout, scout. Also, keep in mind that hunting muleys is not the same as hunting white tails. Spot and stalk is what you need to learn about.
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I've hunted 82 a lot and there are some others here that know 100 well, there are some good bucks on the NF But big bucks are hard to get to in the timber, If you can hold out until the later part of the season I would advise hunting off NF or at least the lower elevations of it. I would plan on doing more glassing than hiking, good glasses and spoting scope is a must.
A BLM map is a must along with a map of the MB nat. forest if you want to hunt 82.
If you hunt the 1st part of the season you may want to hunt the lower part of Deep creek but still on NF. you will need to pack anything out on your back and you better be in good shape. Most hunters will only hunt this area once it's a butt kicker but it will hold some nice bucks.

Good luck, I mite run into you out there.
:>HI & ::wel to MuleyMadness!
Lerch welcome, That's some nice country and good Muley hunting. I will be just to the North in Region E. 91-97. Lots of hunters driving the 2 tracks. I like to find areas that are walking only then get at least a mile back.
Bone your deer and the pack out isn't so bad. :thumb
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Thanks for all the info so far guys. I am really leaning toward the area between Wild Horse Butte and Muddy Mountain in unit 82. Do you think this will be just full of hunters or will the competition be pretty sparse???? Does anyone know anything about the Wild Cow Creek area just north and a little east of wild horse butte????

Also does anyone know if it would be possible to buy leftover doe tags for deer or antelope in 82???

thanks again for all the help, it is greatly appreciated

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The post on 24 hour from DrJHJ is as good of info as your gona get. he is the retierd G@F guru for hunting info. That and I hunt and fish with him. The later in the season you hunt the less hunters you'll see. 90% of whitch will never get more that 100 yrds from thier truck.
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Yea i kinda figured that about his post, i got it printed off and setting on top of my delorme wyoming map!!!! definantly great and very helpful info

Lerch, welcome to the site and keep us posted on the upcoming hunt!