First Trail Cam Pic's Ever!
8/26/07 2:56pm
This is my first go around with our trail cam. My bro. and I are new in this world so we got a few good pics of a small buck and a doe or two with a fawn at the end. So nothin' crazy cool like a lot of these other post's, but lucky for our first go around. Not the big boys' that we're looking for for the opener on the muzzy, but we know where they are even if not on our cam! [-o< Hope you like them.
I can tell that we have another full blown cam addict on our hands.
Keep it up, you'll have a lot of fun with your cams. and we'll all get to enjoy the pix.
Placing your camera so that it looks along the trail like you did,instead of looking across the trail gives your cam a lot better chance of getting a good picture. Good Instinct.
I'd suggest possibly lowering the camera bit. It seems to be pretty high??
Night shots may not look or turn out as good?
That's a great job for your first try. You will fine that posistioning these cameras is alot like hunting. You will start to notice better ways to set them up and soon you will notice other spots that would be a prime place to set cameras up at.
Keep up the good work and let's see more pictures when you get them.