First trip down south

Went out last weekend to the south, found a freshy to start and ended up with 32 total, 8 fresh and 4 older but most year old. Not a bad trip. =D> Here is a few pics.
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Some more pics.
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anf a few more...... lol
Great job WES!! Love the photos, thanks for posting. :thumb
I'm not too sure if that third one is a match or not :-k
can I go with next time?
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Just wondering what part of southern Utah, were you by Kanab or were you by the Boulder mountain or what? Thanks.
Yhe hes gonna tell ya!!!! lol
i cant believe your finding these. ha I took a trip out today and almost 90% of the deer have both antlers.
wow man nice finds for sure and it looks like you have even found yourself a little honey hole. Sweet finds and good luck the rest of the season.
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I live down south and went out today and only found 4 sheds and 2 of them were so old when I picked them up they crumbled. I just wanna know if I'm really blind or if I'm in the wrong place.
"canyonhunter" wrote:I live down south and went out today and only found 4 sheds and 2 of them were so old when I picked them up they crumbled. I just wanna know if I'm really blind or if I'm in the wrong place.
I'm not sure if your blind. How many fingers am I holding up? lol

Being serious, two more weeks of waiting and the vast majority of deer should have dropped their head gear.

P.S. Great finds Wildantlerman.
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Here is a few more that my brother and his wife found. The two freshy, were found off the side of the road about 10-15 feet, one is a six point (Rachels) and the othe a nice and the biggest freshy of the trip. (Jared) =D>
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very nice finds 10sign:
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nice looks like a good where did you go :) hahah
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Why do you need to take a trip down south? Do the deer where you live never shed? Anyway good find but did you count the chalks as sheds? And why do you pack them home? (???)
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Dont worry about where he has been look'n for sheds, i'll bet there are all kinds of bones around spanish fork nobody looks there?? #-o
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HAHA, I give up around Spanish Fork cause everyone runs the animals astrange. We find plenty around home, the reason for going south is to get out and take a few trips. Besides, its nicer weather and great times. We hunt state wide. So far I am at 151 sheds on the year and team WAM is around 500. Oh, and to answer your question on picking up old antlers and bringing them home? :-k YES, first off they are antlers and our slogian is "Bringin' Back Bone", leave no bone behind is my motto. HEHE

Any antler is bone in my mind. Dont get me wrong, I am not pig headed just enjoy hiking and finding antlers as do we all who shed hunt.
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Aren't the sheds in pic number 1 and number 12 the same? :-k
All, just to let you know, I deleted a few posts on this thread.

Let's keep it civil and allow folks to enjoy what they love to do. If you have an issue with them then you can PM them....or one of the moderators if you would like.

As usual, we will keep the "back and forth" to a minimum and keep this a friendly, enjoyable site for all.
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Didn't mean to cause need for things to be deleted, just state'n my and many others opinion about trips to our area.
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Yeah, they are the same picture, my bad. Took different ones and seemed to download it. lol any way, I didn’t see what AG deleted, but I hope like he said we can keep every post on here civil. If I am going to get criticized for going shed hunting let it be up north, down south or in the Iraqi desert then oh well. Last I thought it was a free country and as long as I am not breaking any laws or trespassing then I will continue going were my legs will allow me to go. I like finding bone as well as hunting and sure everyone one here does as well. Besides I have been going were I have been for many years and many more to come, and am always looking for new spots.

Hope everyone has a great shed season and let’s see some more pics. Good luck all.
"wildantlerman" wrote:Yeah, they are the same picture, my bad. Took different ones and seemed to download it. lol any way, I didn’t see what AG deleted, but I hope like he said we can keep every post on here civil. If I am going to get criticized for going shed hunting let it be up north, down south or in the Iraqi desert then oh well. Last I thought it was a free country and as long as I am not breaking any laws or trespassing then I will continue going were my legs will allow me to go. I like finding bone as well as hunting and sure everyone one here does as well. Besides I have been going were I have been for many years and many more to come, and am always looking for new spots.

Hope everyone has a great shed season and let’s see some more pics. Good luck all.
I cant wait to see more pics! wherever they come from i'll be glad to check out your finds!! :thumb
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looks like you had a great trip "down south". as long as you don't drive off road I don't care where your at. I just like seing the pics. Good job. I have seen your truck "down south" before. I will have to stop in next time and say hi.