First Two Legally Taken 2009 Wyoming Wolves
1/28/09 9:59am
I just received an email with the following:
Check these out................................
> >
> >
> > Subject: FW: Fwd: 1st two of five wolves taken in Wyoming in 2009
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > First two wolves of the first five wolves (shot legally) near
> > Pinedale and Big Piney, Wyoming after the season for wolves was
> > opened up. I would venture to say they are 'just a little bit
bigger' than the local coyotes!
> > These were caught, with two others, in a calving pen, killing
> > livestock.....not eating the livestock, just killing it. I'm
> > thinkin' my 340 Weatherby isn't too much gun for one of these
> > critters..... fortunately the wolves I saw on Wanda's place weren't
> > near this size...... they were 3x the size of our coyotes,
> > though.....these guys have been eating really well! Acutally, eating
> > TOO WELL! It's no wonder the elk and moose calves only have a 20%
> > chance of making it to 6 months old in the Yellowstone area with
> > these big boys around! Amazingly, the Colorado Division of Wildlife
> > has requested anyone catching a wolf or wolverine in a leg hold trap
> > to "please try to release it alive"....... that could be a pretty
> > good trick! I was expecting much smaller wolves to be in the 'not
> > safe for wolves zone' ...... wonder how big the wolves are that ran
these two out of the 'safe zone'?
> >
> >
> > Don't think I want to snowshoe or cross country ski in Wyoming
> > anymore........ expect to see these critters in Colorado pretty
> > soon.....coming to a favorite deer or elk haunt near you!
> >

Those are some big dogs.
Check these out................................
> >
> >
> > Subject: FW: Fwd: 1st two of five wolves taken in Wyoming in 2009
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > First two wolves of the first five wolves (shot legally) near
> > Pinedale and Big Piney, Wyoming after the season for wolves was
> > opened up. I would venture to say they are 'just a little bit
bigger' than the local coyotes!
> > These were caught, with two others, in a calving pen, killing
> > livestock.....not eating the livestock, just killing it. I'm
> > thinkin' my 340 Weatherby isn't too much gun for one of these
> > critters..... fortunately the wolves I saw on Wanda's place weren't
> > near this size...... they were 3x the size of our coyotes,
> > though.....these guys have been eating really well! Acutally, eating
> > TOO WELL! It's no wonder the elk and moose calves only have a 20%
> > chance of making it to 6 months old in the Yellowstone area with
> > these big boys around! Amazingly, the Colorado Division of Wildlife
> > has requested anyone catching a wolf or wolverine in a leg hold trap
> > to "please try to release it alive"....... that could be a pretty
> > good trick! I was expecting much smaller wolves to be in the 'not
> > safe for wolves zone' ...... wonder how big the wolves are that ran
these two out of the 'safe zone'?
> >
> >
> > Don't think I want to snowshoe or cross country ski in Wyoming
> > anymore........ expect to see these critters in Colorado pretty
> > soon.....coming to a favorite deer or elk haunt near you!
> >

Those are some big dogs.
Just thought I'd share the facts, nothing against you NotEnufTags for the post. :thumb's pretty cool that an open season is now in affect!
No worries NotEnuf.....I've actually been emailed that same pic on more than one occassion with different stories behind it EVERY time. It's funny...and pretty sad....that everything you get nowadays has to be scrutinized for legitimacy...and then you are not always sure of the truth.
With that being said, I still encourage the posting of these emails. It sure helps to weed out the lies in a lot of cases and helps keep people a little more educated on what is true and what may not be.
those are big.
but i've done the same thing. it is amazing how tangled a story gets through the world wide web. but i sure like seeing them!
Thanks Hawk. I'll post em as I get em. Everyone here can set the record straight.
I sure hope I can shoot fast when they show up in my neck of the woods.
Shoot Shovel and Shut up......
How in the heck are you to "please try to release it alive"....... .. Yea id like to see someone try that one..
Bunch of treehugger wolf lovin *%$@*&*