Flaming Gorge Success
6/2/09 9:12pm
DeadI's post reminded me I needed to post this up, so here it is.
A little background first. My wife and I went to visit her folks in SW Wyoming a couple of weeks ago. They had been begging us to come up for a visit for the longest time. Well, the last two years as we were up there a couple of years ago.
My brother-in-law moved up there about a year and a half ago and has been begging us to come up, too. I think he wanted me to come up to teach him how to fish as all he's ever known is saltwater.
Yep, they are all Texans, but I try to not hold that against them lol
I was going to bring up a pole or two but my father-in-law tells me he has plenty of poles and tackle. I get up there and almost everything he has is for saltwater. Out of a couple dozen poles there are two I would have used for trout. Forget about the tackle.
So, I take my brother-in-law into town to get some appropriate tackle and see a nice, litte ultra-light spinning outfit. I buy the gear and pole, telling my bro that I will leave everything with him. Both him and my father-in-law laugh at my choice of lures and spinning outfit, saying there is now way I can catch anything of size on that tiny pole, let alone the lures.
To make this story a bit shorter, I caught the first fish before my bro even got his line in the water on a red and white DareDevil, caught another on bait, then put on a Super Duper and cast right in front of my bro while his line was in and caught a cutthroat.
All in all, I embarrassed them. Although, my father-in-law had his arm in a sling and didn't fish, though he did admit he learned a thing or two. I can't legally say I caught ALL of the fish but I can say my father-in-law was pretty handy with the net and my bro went home not very happy.
Went back once by myself and limited out and once more with my bro. I ended up with a couple over 19" and he caught one around 17". All in all a pretty good trip. I have to say the Gorge has a VERY healthy population of trout!
The smallest on the stringer is maybe 14-15" and the biggest MAYBE 19". Never did put a tape on them but I can tell you the 10 fish stringer weighed much more than 20lbs!
A little background first. My wife and I went to visit her folks in SW Wyoming a couple of weeks ago. They had been begging us to come up for a visit for the longest time. Well, the last two years as we were up there a couple of years ago.
My brother-in-law moved up there about a year and a half ago and has been begging us to come up, too. I think he wanted me to come up to teach him how to fish as all he's ever known is saltwater.
Yep, they are all Texans, but I try to not hold that against them lol
I was going to bring up a pole or two but my father-in-law tells me he has plenty of poles and tackle. I get up there and almost everything he has is for saltwater. Out of a couple dozen poles there are two I would have used for trout. Forget about the tackle.
So, I take my brother-in-law into town to get some appropriate tackle and see a nice, litte ultra-light spinning outfit. I buy the gear and pole, telling my bro that I will leave everything with him. Both him and my father-in-law laugh at my choice of lures and spinning outfit, saying there is now way I can catch anything of size on that tiny pole, let alone the lures.
To make this story a bit shorter, I caught the first fish before my bro even got his line in the water on a red and white DareDevil, caught another on bait, then put on a Super Duper and cast right in front of my bro while his line was in and caught a cutthroat.
All in all, I embarrassed them. Although, my father-in-law had his arm in a sling and didn't fish, though he did admit he learned a thing or two. I can't legally say I caught ALL of the fish but I can say my father-in-law was pretty handy with the net and my bro went home not very happy.
Went back once by myself and limited out and once more with my bro. I ended up with a couple over 19" and he caught one around 17". All in all a pretty good trip. I have to say the Gorge has a VERY healthy population of trout!
The smallest on the stringer is maybe 14-15" and the biggest MAYBE 19". Never did put a tape on them but I can tell you the 10 fish stringer weighed much more than 20lbs!