Flash or no flash? SIngle or 3 shot?

Just trying to get some opinions on what everyone prefers? Do you guys use the flash or does that scare away the deer? Also do you use single shot or the 3 shot? I got a Moultrie 4.0 and excited to try it out this year just seeing what would work best in everyone's experience. This will be my first year doing it so not very educated on camera stuff yet! LOL. Hoping to get some good pics I can share on here!
Absolutely on the flash for me and I'd do the multiple shot over single also.
Sweet thanks Brett! Like I said I'm new to this trail camera stuff but glad that there are guys like you out there to give a rookie like me a helping hand! :) I'll keep you posted on how it goes!
I definitely agree with M&M the flash if you want a good picture to keep, and singles will get you the first one that sets off the camera but not the great picture of them walking on through the area. :thumb
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:thumb Agreed need both of them Flash and The 3 shots.. Alot of times your first pic may miss or set off to early so the next two pic up the good pics.
Sweet thanks guys! I'm excited to get out and put out my camera! Now I just need to wait for this Utah weather to quit snowing!
The only time that I would worry about the flash is if you are worried about people seeing it go off. I sure wish that people would leave other peoples stuff alone. As for the single shot or multiple shots it just depends what kind of area I'm putting my camera in. If the animals are just passing by then I will set it to take multiple shots but if I'm putting it on a spot that the game likes to hang around like a water hole or a salt lick then I have foung that it fills my cards up to quick so I set my camera to just take a single picture.
Well I sure hope I don't need to worry about people going down in where I am putting it...didn't see anyone in there last year at all so I am going to go for the flash. And I guess I'm just going to try the 3 shot at first and see what happens.....I'm putting it by a creek in the bottom of a canyon where I saw them a lot last year and they would bed in that area too. Should be good! And I got a 2GB card so it should be able to handle a couple pics! Lol....But I'll share some pics if I am successful in getting some pics!