Following Tracks

I was Elk hunting out in far Western Montana about 5 years ago. The weather had been hot and dry, hunting, not good. Every step no matter how careful, the sound of breaking twigs and grass would eliminate any chance of seeing game.

Anyway, the 5th day into the hunt, morning found us with 4-5 inches of soft quiet snow. I parked the truck at the end of the trail, thinking I would try find a track. Didn't take long, came across a BIG set. Off I went! Easy to follow, going uphill, a easy grade for the rugged mountain country.

After a few miles I got a little tired out, stopped to have a little lunch, some water, sat there right on the tracks. Seemed like 10 minutes or so then, thought I heard a BIG one coming. Sure enough, it made plenty of noise as it worked it's way up hill. Lucky me! I had plenty of time to get behind a tree. It was a big one alright. 110 car Burlington coal train. :>/

Sorry about that (???) :lame :lame
I have tracked a BIG bull elk in the snow and later found out it was a TINY bull moose.
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I got behind a bull and him and i were playing cat and mouse for a few hours, it was snowning hard but I heard some movement up ahead. got down on 1 knee trying to see what it was when 5 herfords came face to face with me at 10 yrds. (**!!)