For Fun!
2/12/12 8:14pm
Alright it's pretty slow this time of year, so lets play a game just for fun.
I'll throw in this DVD for the winner...
So you'll know Mule Deer seem to have a 6th here is the scenario...I got this trail cam picture this past summer of this doe...she is obviously checking the trail behind describe to me in detail what exactly is coming down the trail next??
Please describe in DETAIL (size of animal, buck, doe, cow, bobcat, rabbit, mouse, etc) you get the point.
Closest person to describe "what's coming down the trail next" wins the DVD.
Only 1 guess per person.
I'll throw in this DVD for the winner...
So you'll know Mule Deer seem to have a 6th here is the scenario...I got this trail cam picture this past summer of this doe...she is obviously checking the trail behind describe to me in detail what exactly is coming down the trail next??
Please describe in DETAIL (size of animal, buck, doe, cow, bobcat, rabbit, mouse, etc) you get the point.
Closest person to describe "what's coming down the trail next" wins the DVD.
Only 1 guess per person.
Help me out guys.
Read Mularcher & Sawsman's replies and let me know who should win?
I'm leaning towards Sawsmans myself.
I'm feelin' it guys... anyone want to head to Vegas? lol
Excited for the DVD. I'll sit the next one out.
MuleyMadness Rocks! :thumb
Fun idea Brett! Bought a crystal ball so am ready to go! :thumb