For the new members....PLEASE READ

WELCOME TO MULEYMADNESS! As the various western states start releasing their respective draw results we tend to have a huge jump in membership on the site so I thought I'd throw this out there.

If you are new to MuleyMadness I will tell you right from the start, the members of this site are some of the most generous, good natured folks you'll find on any hunting related forum. They are also always ready to help a fellow hunter out in their quest to fill their tags and bring home that buck/bull/boar/tom of a lifetime.

However, please take some time to sign in on the thread entitled "MULEYMADNESS ROLL CALL" which can be found in the "Mule Deer forum". Tell us a little about yourself, your interested as far as the outdoors, and where you are from. It helps us all out by getting to know you a little bit and maybe, just maybe, you may be able to help out another member while at the same time getting the information you are seeking. The forums work best when there is a little give and take...not just "pop in" and take.

Lastly, please stick around and contribute to the site. Bring along your scouting reports as the spring and summer rolls along (These may every well help out another member also), add to the various conversations, and post some pics and stories from past hunts....and remember to tell us how the hunt went afterwards!

Brett works VERY HARD to keep this site up and running and we have members that contribute year-around and it's simply not fair to them when someone "pops in", asks for information, and then leaves without EVER contributing to the site or the folks mentioned above.

It doesn't have to be about deer or elk either. There are seasons all year long like Spring Turkey, Spring Bear, 'yote busting, fishing, Pronghorn, and MANY other outdoor activities that we are interested in and have forums set up for....something for all times of year and all outdoor activities.

So...please take the time to get to know us here on the site and allow us to get to know you. I have made some awesome friends here over the years and you will too...and who knows, one of those friends may one day hold the key to that buck or bull of a lifetime that you've been lookin' for. You will never know unless you stick around and become a "true member" of
Hawk, Excellent post. :thumb
Amazes me how many new members first posts are cyber scouting for info on an area where they drew a tag,many having no idea of what the area holds or whow to hunt it,why apply for a tag in an area you have no data on and then join a website expecting someone to lay it out for you?Good post 10sign:

Hawk excellent Post
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Well said.
This is the first forum of any kind that I have joined. People on here have been great. I have only been a member since Feb, but I have already had some great communication with a few members.

A big thanks to everyone on here.
of course you are going to see a jump in memberships...thats human nature, it is the ones who stick around and help others that will make your site better. the "good old boys" attitude is what drives people away. I recently registered and had a helpful P.M that pointed me in the right direction. BUT I also had one that showed the other side of human nature...I have hunted all over the west and midwest and will help just about anybody that I can and will continue to do so. I have been on other sites and hope this one does not go in the same direction that they have gone, a few guys sitting behind there computers, safe and sound behind a locked door slamming people, and passing judgement because they have "been here from the start" and making rude comments.....
treedagain, that is what makes this site so great. There are few places out there were folks are willing to help others out when it comes to finding that ellusive buck or bull.

We encourage the passing of information back and forth provided it's fair and equal. I think the ones that tend to bother folks are the ones that "peak in", gather the info they want, and then we never hear from then again.

I have never hunted Utah but hunt a lot in N Idaho and E Washington and will help any of our members "in good standing" that may need it.

I think that you will find this site much different than most.
Knock it off, that is not what this thread is for at all, simply said the post was simply for letting new members know that it would be good if they posted alittle about them selves. You don't have to by anymeans, but it would be nice and might help you out in gaining some insite into some hunting areas. Does that mean that we won't help you "No" but it could help you as well. We just don't want poeple that are going to be one and done.

Now quite with the name calling, bashing or what ever, we don't care who threw the first punch, knock if off.
6x6 bull
+1 DeadI
Somtimes I wonder if some people on some of these forms have touretts... Does anyone know if that carries over to typing? lol Good post Hawk I wish everyone would act mature like you ask.
Too Bret and all the moderators you all do an oustanding job! :thumb Keep up the good work.
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my name is cory and i live in south dakota and i have family in idaho and i am trying to help them find elk in idaho and the unit they have is 66 and 69 close to rigby idaho and i thought i would help them so maybe next year i will go to idaho and hunt some elk i am a big time bow hunter and there are some nice bucks in south dakota. i am tryin to get to one that is 5*5 24 1/4 wide whitetail but its been hard cause hes a smart one.

nice post hawk 10sign: