For those who draw

Some good news for those who draw Wyo. Deer or Antelope tags. with the reitively mild winter and the wetest spring I've ever seen there should be some great bucks this year.
Been seeing a number of twin fawns so they came through in good shape.
good luck on the draw and we'll all know in the morning.
That is some good news, Thanks!
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A prefect recored No Deer and a did't even draw a reduced price cow/calf.
No buck tag for my daughter but we did draw our reduced doe/fawn whitetail tags. Larry I thought your reduced cow/calf tag was a lock. Did they cut back on the number of tags?
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I put in for Area 16, Dr Harju had asked me if I go along with them. I haven't looked but I should be able to get a 21 tag OTC.
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ya, still 102 tage left in 21.
34 Buck antelope tags left for east of town if you don't mind eating antelope that have feed on winter wheat and alfafa all year.
Larry, Im still trying to understand the process Wyoming has with their "Reduced Price" tags. I was on the WY dept of Game and Fish website looking for non-res info. Are your "reduced price" tags there the same as "Over the Counter" tags here? Can a non-res hunter buy a tag after the drawing is done? I know in ID, I can go buy a non-res OTC deer tag in if I buy a big game license too. Just wondering because ive heard there are a lot of Antelope usually left over and would like to maybe get a tag if I miss the drawing here. Also, I know the Afton/Star Valley area quite well but dont see many Antelope there. I have family in Riverton there too so I guess I could hunt that area huh.
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there will be 2 diffrent type left over tags, limited quota tags that are full price. They go on sale earlly in July. Then the reduce price Doe/fawn or Cow calf go on sale later in the month. you can buy all these tags on line on the dates G&F put them on sale.

Snakeriver Marksman will know a lot more about riverton than me.
If you want to hunt the eastern side of the state I can give ya some ideas, Both area 7 and 9 have left over type 1(full price) and doe fawn tags.
Well thanks for the info! Ill get ahold of ya if I think I can get into WY to hunt there this year too.
Thanks again!