forced evacuation

Some of you have heard about the fire that we have got going here by Fillmore. On Saturday it jumped the I-15 freeway by Cove Fort and headed east. One of my favorite springs is just to the North East of there and with the fire moving up to 60 miles per day I got to worring that it might get to my spring and burn the cam.
I put this camera in the same tree that I had used before, I even screwed the mount into the same hole and aimed it at the same spot.
Last time I had very few empty photos and a lot of nice elk shots and a few of some bears.
When I got there today I looked and the counter said 267 pictures in 6 days.
I ran home and plugged the cam into the puter and down loaded all of the pictures and only the first 4 were good and all of the rest were just pictures of the sun on the trees.
I wonder why it worked so well last time and not now.
I was however verry pleased with the 4 pix that I did get.
Here they are. Later, Treetop" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Nice pics, i cant see anythin on the first pic tho? must be at the beginning of the pic where its dark.
No idea why it worked great for a few and not for the rest. Nice lookin' bruin though!

As for the fires, they are everywhere. In fact, there was a fire in favorite huntin' area here in WA just this last weekend. It burned about 10,000 acres last I heard but haven't had the opportunity yet to see if my area survived. I'm keepin my fingers crossed!

Good news: They arrested two idiots for igniting fireworks out there and starting the fire! I hope they get what's comin' to 'em!
Never lucky enough to get a bear yet, not to many in my area.

Thanks for the pics, 4 is better than none. :)

Those of you that get photos of bears, are they coming in to salt or something. Obviously some of them are to water, but many times (like these) they seem to be on dry ground. Are bears attracted to salt?
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This is a site with both. There is a small seep on the left side of the pictures and I put out some salt that is in about the middle of the pic. So he could be coming to both or maybe neather one.
I was wanting to ask my bear guide if they had ever tried salt as bait. It would be interesting to know.
It would have to be more of a long term thing, from year to year .
Is the salt spread out or is it in a small pile? With it's nose in a different spot in each picture it would be hard to say that it is going after the salt. If it's spread out then that may very well be what it is after.
nice looking bear. :thumb