Frontal shot?

Okay 2 questions please...

Would you take the frontal shot? If so why and if not why?

And then place an X or dot where you'd try and place the arrow if you'd take the shot.
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Me personally...I don't think I would take that shot.
im also gonna pass on that shot

i've heard alot of guys making that shot, i'd preferr to pass on it. hopeing he'd turn. but if it was close, a slam dunk shot, i think it would be a decent shot to put it right below the chin, dead center??? seem to me if you hit center he's dropping in his tracks, if you hit with in a couple inches of center , you got jugular-- dead buck[ with one of the best blood trails youd ever see] and if you miss any more than that, it should be a clean miss.

the common answer would be center at the base of the throat/ abouve the brisket. your into all vitals.
but i think the first one has a lower wound factor

either way, i'm not drawing yet in hopes he's going to turn and give me a better shot
Opening day no. . . But if he was bigger I'd stick it right in there!
Last day of the hunt . . . you bet!

I would aim high enough to clear the brush and low enough not to blow thru just his neck.
I am not PC and am aggressive in the way I hunt.

"100% of the shots you don't take never score!" ~Wayne gretzky
Pass it.......and wait for a better angle. PC or not, it's a shot that's marginal at best and has a high wound % with archery. JMO
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I've taken two whitetails over the years in that stance. Both 20yds or less with a bow. One dropped in it's tracks the other jumped walked 30yrds sat down on it's rear like a dog threw up fell over and died. Base of the neck about three inches up. It's not a shot I would normally take but my confadence was unshakable in those two instances.
If the animal didn't know i was there and with that close of a shot i would burry my arrow into it. That animal isn't going anywhere just think how far you could go with an arrow 30 inches long going length wise through your body. id give it 30 yards at best.
I have killed three deer with almost the same shot and I didn't have to even track them they all they all died in sight.
give him the shaft, he will not go far

lol lol lol
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I cant say that I would take that shot. A lot can go wrong. My buddy took a 15 yard shot last year on a whitetail doe in that position. We never found that deer.
I would take that shot,just not on that buck :thumb
I want to say it depends on the buck, but in reality, I know I would probably never take that shot. I would be to scared of wounding or missing if it was a monster that I would have to wait until he turned. I've had better shots than that at some whitetails that I passed on and didn't get another shot at the deer....oh well, it's part of the game. I don't have quite the confidence with my bow as I do my rifle....
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Some of my good hunting buddies would say center punch him. As much as I would want to my luck would be that the deer would get wounded and not die until a week later or leave me no blood trail to follow.
dreaming big
I agree with Big R I would take that shot on the right buck
mapleton archer
i got a spike elk a few years back with that very shot at 20 yards , he went about 30 yards and gave up the ghost.
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30 yards or less, last day of the season/year. stick him right here, cause even if he ducks a little it will still catch him below the chin and in the neck." alt="" />
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40 yards or less for sure. Just above where the neck meets the chest and let the Rage take care of the rest.
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No way. Wait for a kill zone shot.
id take the shot, low center in the throat, give him fourty five minutes then track also not an opening morning shot but last third of the season sure..
......this is why I'm no longer surprised at the amount of deer lost each season....poor shot selection, IMO. :>/
Heads or Tails
BOHNTR I am with you, if you wouldn't take a marginal shot at the beginning of the hunt why do it later?

Ending the hunt with a tag and a best effort is better than ending the hunt with a tag and "should have..." stories.
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No shot no way. Too much to deflect the arrow from it's intended path. Try it on your next dead deer and see how it works out.
"BOHNTR" wrote:......this is why I'm no longer surprised at the amount of deer lost each season....poor shot selection, IMO. :>/
:not-worthy 10sign:

for those that are gonna take that shot, where you gonna aim? imo that is a shot you have to pass on no matter how big he is, or how many days are left

I agree with all who say there is no shot with a bow. With a rifle or smokepole there is though. The buck I shot last year was in this exact position at 80 yards. I drilled him 3 inches below his head center and he never even twitched! With a bow there is too many factors that could wound the animal IMO.
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"BOHNTR" wrote:......this is why I'm no longer surprised at the amount of deer lost each season....poor shot selection, IMO. :>/
I agree 100%, I expect more of archery hunters. booo :>/ ](*,)
No, Your chances of a wounded animal are to high.
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NO frontal shots for me, I'd pass
Thanks for the feedback guys, looks like most are against this shot unless at very close range. I read where some guys like this shot and even prefer it and was having trouble making sense of the logic.
"killerbee" wrote:i've heard alot of guys making that shot, i'd preferr to pass on it. hopeing he'd turn. but if it was close, a slam dunk shot, i think it would be a decent shot to put it right below the chin, dead center??? seem to me if you hit center he's dropping in his tracks, if you hit with in a couple inches of center , you got jugular-- dead buck[ with one of the best blood trails youd ever see] and if you miss any more than that, it should be a clean miss.

the common answer would be center at the base of the throat/ abouve the brisket. your into all vitals.
but i think the first one has a lower wound factor

either way, i'm not drawing yet in hopes he's going to turn and give me a better shot
again, i'd preferr to pass that shot.

but on my idea of " what about just below the chin, dead center"

what do you guys think? am i missing an obvious horror story? my theory( and i again say- i'm passing on the shot, waiting for a better one) is it should be a clean miss or a dead buck.
the reason i even bring this up: i had a hunter in new mexico one year, the guy was a crack shot whith his bow, lived in alabama where they can kill 1 deer a day, hunted 50% of his deer from the ground( almost unheard of back east) we talked most of his hunt about shot selection. he would take this shot every time, i would argue about not taking the shot and making him turn first.
low and behold i called a nice 5x5 out of a steep canyon, the bull came strait in and at 25 yrds all the hunter could see was bottom of the neck and up. he took the shot, right below the chin, hit 2 inches right of center. i've never seen a better blood trail and the bull was 50 yrds away. so i never heard the end of that!

so i'm just passing it on-- WHAT THINK YE???
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The major problem I see with this shot is if the animal moves even slightly before the arrow gets there you have a major problem. The kill zone on this shot is quite thin. I've made this shot on whitetails back east and you don't have much to hit from what I remember. It was in the days when the testosterone made me do it. Now I know enough to wait.
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IMO there is no shot. Wait for him to turn. Then seal the deal.
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This is the shot that was presented to me on my bull elk last year. I was calling for myself an it came straight in. It was about 15 yards out and stopped an looked away. I was already drawn an waiting for the shot. I m positive it would have been my only opprotunity. I shot it and it ran about 30 yards or less before it expired. The arrow went almost completely thro it. A shot like this should only be taken at extremely close range... ie less than 20.. personal opinion lol
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Glad to see this post. First year bow hunting for elk and this same shot happened this weekend on a real nice 6x6. He was at 35 yrds having a staring match with me. I didn't have to make the decision cause there was just enough brush in the way that I had to wait for him to move, but I walked away wondering if I should have if it was a clear shot. Turned out that he just turned around after about a minute and walked off, BASTARD. Anyway, after reading this, I don't think I would take the shot given the opportunity again, at least not at 35 yrds. I might at 20 if I felt good with it.

Going back next weekend for 5 days to get that SOB, I was on a wallow sitting and I'm hoping he sticks around.
I agree with all of you in this post who WOULD NOT take the shot... After my experience on my Cow Elk this past weekend I have too much regret for not putting the animal down and more for not even recovering it, even after the 2½ days we spent looking for her. I've posted numerous times in the "Wounded Ethics" thread about "Close range" shot ethics... On this particular shot to me, it wouldnt matter how close or far away it was. If the vitals are not more exposed to my arrow I will not take the shot.
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I am not sure of what equipment you are shooting but with todays modern engineering in archery the bows are more than capable of producing the type of kinetic energy to run an arrow stem to stem through that deer. Now There are guys who can make that shot and there are guys who cant. I have seen the end results of that shot when it is done correctly and they were very good. But i would figure how far the shot is and I personally wouldnt take it if it was over twenty yards and if you have the confidence man go for it. But if there is any dought than you better put that arrow back in your quiver.
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thats a pretty cool lookin buck but most bucks that are comin like that in my experience dont really give you a chance to draw. im all about takin unique bucks like that one so i would take the shot soon as he turned and you drew im sure he would be gone if i could get drawn with him facin me i would take the shot just above the base of the neck then you get wind pipe heart maybe a lung. the only thing with that shot is the arrow stops the blood from flowin out so id give him a good 4 hours after i shot unless i see him crash. watch him closely and hope he might break the arrow off so some blood could flow out and maybe push the arrow out a bit or suck it in so that the blood can flow out. but his cavity would fill up with blood and he wouldnt last to long from what ive seen. just my $.02
Just curious...

Of those who said they wouldn't take this shot early in the season, but would later. Can you please explain why?
not to steal from your question. but i've been meaning to get back to this topics and reply again.

i did hear of 3 shots this year taken just as the question was asked.

2 were lost animals
1 was found 16 hrs later, with the help of a dog, still alive taking it's last breath.

all 3 of the guys believed they smoked there bulls when they shot.
deffinate proof , in my opinion, that even if it's close it's not a good shot. the more i thought about it, it seems like it's basically very small chance to get more than one lung. that leaves a pretty long tracking job and increases the chance for a lost animal. lesson learned! fortunatly it was learned by hearing of others mistakes and not one i made.

but to answer your question. i have never understood the thought of taking a shot you would take or not based on how late you have in the season left. same with increasing the distance. if your not comfortable shooting 60 yrds the first week, why try it on the last week?
Let him walk, and hopefully grow into a crazy racked monster!
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I would pass that shot I had a friend loose a buck with that shot.
I'd have to pass on that shot just to small and high risk of a target for me. Now with a rifle.....
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rigt where houtshooter put the pin :not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy 10sign: :thumb