Fun Day for me!
12/27/06 6:55pm
So all you guys out duck hunting got me itchin to do it again.
Haven't hunted ducks in years, talked my brother and dad into going with me.
Although we didn't see a ton of ducks, we sure had fun...
Here is the cool part of the day.
We watched this HUGE Golden Eagle, fly right by us and headed across the highway with a Coot duck in his claws (just missed him picking it off the water) as he rose out of the canyon a truck came by at the exact time...he dropped the Coot out of the air and then proceeded to nearly get killed by the truck. The truck had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting him, and almost did anyway. Crazy, but way cool!
He then flew up on this rock off the road, I quickly got the camera out and got this picture before he flew away. I took a few more, but this is the only one that turned out. " alt="" />
Right after he dropped the coot, a Hawk proceeded to swoop down and start feasting on his kill. Don't think I didn't go after the kill scene for proof, cause I did. :)
So here is the feathers and leftover Coot, man these are ugly ducks. Glad the Eagle was picking off the ugly/lousy ducks." alt="" />" alt="" />
What a fun day for me. :thumb
Tried to get a pick of the hawk, no luck...he took off to quick.
And here is the result of your day duck hunting, one duck.
A male Gadwall" alt="" />
Haven't hunted ducks in years, talked my brother and dad into going with me.
Although we didn't see a ton of ducks, we sure had fun...
Here is the cool part of the day.
We watched this HUGE Golden Eagle, fly right by us and headed across the highway with a Coot duck in his claws (just missed him picking it off the water) as he rose out of the canyon a truck came by at the exact time...he dropped the Coot out of the air and then proceeded to nearly get killed by the truck. The truck had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting him, and almost did anyway. Crazy, but way cool!
He then flew up on this rock off the road, I quickly got the camera out and got this picture before he flew away. I took a few more, but this is the only one that turned out.

Right after he dropped the coot, a Hawk proceeded to swoop down and start feasting on his kill. Don't think I didn't go after the kill scene for proof, cause I did. :)
So here is the feathers and leftover Coot, man these are ugly ducks. Glad the Eagle was picking off the ugly/lousy ducks.

What a fun day for me. :thumb
Tried to get a pick of the hawk, no luck...he took off to quick.
And here is the result of your day duck hunting, one duck.
A male Gadwall

I killed a coot years ago, heard they were ediable and decided to try it. Sent my lab out and he got part way back and spit it out. Wouldn't touch it again. Called several times to "fetch" and he finally put his foot on it and pushed it under water. Only time that dog ever refused me. Guess they are not worth shooting! :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/