Funny yote hunting story
2/18/08 8:59am
The hunt started like many others with my partner in crime, Brian. He just purchased a new FoxPro and man was I impressed. We posted up on a ridge slightly overlooking a clearing calling into a small valley which contained several game trails and a small ATV road.
Brian used the FoxPro (jack rabbit distress) and a jack in the box decoy. After only 2-3 minutes the yote came in from my right side down the dirt road, which not 5 minutes earlier a ATV traveled down (he never knew we were there). The yote came in hot, totally focused on the call/dec like someone rang the dinner bell.
I actually had to give a lil mouse squeek manually to take his attention off the call so I could get him to stop before he ate the dec. He paused, gave me a nice broadside shot, looked right at me and then his attention went right back to the dec. I then let the air outa him with my thunder stick (Kel-Tec Su-16A .223 55Gr PSP @ +/- 50 yds.)
Photo op time etc. We began the hike back to the rig (now its getting dark) and heard some small handgun fire CLOSE in our direction. We split up, took two seperate ridges to get a visual on the rig and found a group of 5 gang banger tough guy types shooting off what appeared to be a .25 throw away.
I wish I had a camera, they were taking turns firing at a target @ +/- 5 yds and cringing and ducking their heads each time they shot (holding the pistol sideways of course). After each tough guy made their shot they would get pumped and shout various slang slurs and taunting the vicious target.
Brian got the idea to put the FoxPro to use again. He just so happened to have a mountian lion call programed into the foxPro. We were behind the cover of very large rocks so were werent worried about being struck (like they could hit the broad side of a barn anyways). Brian let the call loose on full volume and pure comedy insued!
Tough guys 1 through 5 gathered close together and yelled at the "CAT" to see if it was just a person messing around. We didnt say a word. I saw one tough guy, I think he was their leader, he walked out past the others with the pistol and sat and listened to the call for a second. He turned around and told the others " O @!$%...ITS A PUMA EH!". He fired one round towards the general direction of the call (gun sideways and head down ofcourse) then ran back to the truck.
By this time the other 4 tough guys were crammed in the truck and took off like a bat out of heck! Brian and I laughed for about 15 minutes. One minute they were "thug life gangstas blastin caps in foos wit da gat" and the next they were scared as school girls of a "PUMA".
Sorry, no pics of thugs running with soiled pantalones!
Brian used the FoxPro (jack rabbit distress) and a jack in the box decoy. After only 2-3 minutes the yote came in from my right side down the dirt road, which not 5 minutes earlier a ATV traveled down (he never knew we were there). The yote came in hot, totally focused on the call/dec like someone rang the dinner bell.
I actually had to give a lil mouse squeek manually to take his attention off the call so I could get him to stop before he ate the dec. He paused, gave me a nice broadside shot, looked right at me and then his attention went right back to the dec. I then let the air outa him with my thunder stick (Kel-Tec Su-16A .223 55Gr PSP @ +/- 50 yds.)
Photo op time etc. We began the hike back to the rig (now its getting dark) and heard some small handgun fire CLOSE in our direction. We split up, took two seperate ridges to get a visual on the rig and found a group of 5 gang banger tough guy types shooting off what appeared to be a .25 throw away.
I wish I had a camera, they were taking turns firing at a target @ +/- 5 yds and cringing and ducking their heads each time they shot (holding the pistol sideways of course). After each tough guy made their shot they would get pumped and shout various slang slurs and taunting the vicious target.
Brian got the idea to put the FoxPro to use again. He just so happened to have a mountian lion call programed into the foxPro. We were behind the cover of very large rocks so were werent worried about being struck (like they could hit the broad side of a barn anyways). Brian let the call loose on full volume and pure comedy insued!
Tough guys 1 through 5 gathered close together and yelled at the "CAT" to see if it was just a person messing around. We didnt say a word. I saw one tough guy, I think he was their leader, he walked out past the others with the pistol and sat and listened to the call for a second. He turned around and told the others " O @!$%...ITS A PUMA EH!". He fired one round towards the general direction of the call (gun sideways and head down ofcourse) then ran back to the truck.
By this time the other 4 tough guys were crammed in the truck and took off like a bat out of heck! Brian and I laughed for about 15 minutes. One minute they were "thug life gangstas blastin caps in foos wit da gat" and the next they were scared as school girls of a "PUMA".
Sorry, no pics of thugs running with soiled pantalones!
What a bunch of dorks.
That would have been a great video of those guys. Congrats on the yote. :thumb
I'd pay to see some pictures of that. lol