Future of the Pauns:/
11/25/10 10:37pm
Well this past week i spent everyday and almost every day light hour, plus a couple dark hours, looking at the deer heard of the Pauns... and im scared. The rut was in full swing and i was not happy with what i saw, sure i saw a couple bucks that would be worthy of a Pauns tag but that was only 25 tops. and by that i mean a 28 inch buck with good forks and maybe a couple cheaters and mass. thats out 7 days.... hiking my balls off and glassing for hours on end.
And with all the other deer i saw it was sad. they either had the crabby fronts or weak backs, no mass or no width nothing specail. And the thing that really scared me was how the little dinks or bad gene bucks, big 3s, had there own deer heards thats where the future of the Pauns is going. i also so TONNNSSS of cactus bucks!! Something needs to be done becuase the deer heard numbers are down everywhere!
What do you guys think? is anyone else seeing this?
And with all the other deer i saw it was sad. they either had the crabby fronts or weak backs, no mass or no width nothing specail. And the thing that really scared me was how the little dinks or bad gene bucks, big 3s, had there own deer heards thats where the future of the Pauns is going. i also so TONNNSSS of cactus bucks!! Something needs to be done becuase the deer heard numbers are down everywhere!
What do you guys think? is anyone else seeing this?
Check it out here.
As for the Pauns man what an awesome place. Is it what it use to be? Nope. There is still some sweet bucks. Some GREAT bucks were killed this year, but yes I agree to many crabby fronts and cactus bucks.
THis buck is alright,, hes wide but hes got a weak back
And for alot of the other deer i saw and have on video you can look at jdh's website, muleyphotos.com and you can see the kind of bucks ive been seeing. we are in the same place sometimes, the the burn and water holes, john r and just other places. but not saying ive seeing all those deer maybe a couple but those are the kind im seeing.
You from Kanab also?