G5 Montec or CS

Wondering if anyone has seen a difference between the regular Montec and the Montec CS i think its called? I bought me a pack of 3 of the regular Montecs for hunting season. How does everyone like the Montecs. I want to stick with a fixed blade not a replaceable one. Thanks!
I shoot the CS. The difference is suppose to be that the CS is stronger then the montec. They shoot like my field points after some minor tuning on my bow. They wistle when you send them down range but not as bad as others that I have heard. They are a breeze to sharpen. Best way that I have found is to...
1. Find yourself some plate glass. I used an old mirror I had laying around.
2. Go to the auto parts store and buy some 600,1200 and 2000 grit wet and dry sand paper. Tear them into a 4'' x 4'' piece.
3. Wet the glass and sand paper. The water helps hold the sand paper to the glass.
4. Then just follow the directions from G5 in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBg4aYBAdt0

It cost me about $5 for the paper. I bet you could find some scrape pieces of glass from any auto glass company.

Of course any fine grit whetstone would work just as well. I just lost my extra fine stone last hunting season.
I haven't shot the Montec CS but i love the standard Montec! They're amazing broad heads and do some serious damage. The last deer I shot went 5 yards before taking a tumble and the one before that only went about 20. Id highly recommend them to anyone! :thumb
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I shoot the Montec and I really like how they fly and the damage they do
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I've shot Montecs for 3 or 4 years and really like them. Last year I shot the CS version and didn't really notice anything different. They fly the same and put down my deer just as quickly. I haven't resharpened any of the CS blades yet so that might be where you see a difference...