Game ear

Has anyone used one of these? If so what brand and what was your opinion?
NMHUNTR, I suffer from tinnitus (Constant ringing in the ears that never goes away) and have issues when trying to "listen" while hunting. I tried the Walker Game Ear and although it did amplify things noticeably I don't think it helped a whole lot as far as "early warning" of approaching deer(Of course, the tinnitus might have something to do with that too).
I used it while whitetail hunting where the cover is thick. I don't see where it would help out much while Mulie hunting in the wide open country. My eyes are great and that's the tool I depend on most.
With that being said, I tried it a couple years ago and from what I understand they have improved the product quite a bit since then. Hopefully someone else here has tried one of the newer models and can help ya out.
Thanks..Thats good info. I thought about using it for other game to but my concern was amplification of all sounds. My hearing is not what it once was but I don't want everything little noise to be louder.

i have a pair of the RADIENS, i believe thats how its spelled I like them . i've also had a pair of the game ear's that cost only 15.00- not really that bad but they dont last very long their ran by a little cable that in the tube that broke after a month but when they were new they worked real good. either way i cant wear any of them while im walking it's just way to noisy! just when you thought you were being real quit put a pair of game ears on!!! but i do put them on to locate either elk or turkey's and they do work great for that!!!!!!!!!