Garmin Rhino GPS question?

I have a buddy that is looking at getting a few of the Rhinos for there family. But he is wondering how far away will the tracking work. If the units are say 20 miles away, will you still see that person on your gps. I would think that you would because it is working off of the satelite were as the radio is off of waves. Thanks.
I'm not sure but I belive that you have to in radio contact for it to keep updating the location of the person you are watching. The icon for my wifes rhino will keep popping up in the same place even when her unit is off so I think that it just shows that last spot that they broadcast from. mine are e few years old though. They may have changed them since then.
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I imagine they will still track. Might just have to zoom out more in order to see them if they get further away from the main tracker.

Thanks guys.

That was my thinking. That as long athe person is pushing the talk button. You may not be in range to talk but it should update your location.