Gas and hunting.
6/4/07 7:28am
These gas prices are really putting a damper on getting out much. I am not going to let it stop me but I am having to take a close look at it and really budget for it.
If you are doing any traveling to hunt this fall it can be one of your major expenses to the trip. The ole huntin wagon aint cheap to operate.
If you are doing any traveling to hunt this fall it can be one of your major expenses to the trip. The ole huntin wagon aint cheap to operate.
I'll keep my fingers crossed though. Luckily I know the area pretty well anyway so I'll just have to hope that everything turns out OK.
They would have flown but he is picking up our Bou mounts from last August's bow Bou hunt. (Now I wish he would get back so I can get my mount) :)
And YES, I retire in two more years!
Isn't that the truth. 10sign:
gas is terrible but as long as everyone keeps driving and letting them do it it will continue! if it gets m uch higher here i might start riding a bike to or may even by a scooter or something or heck why not ride the horses around? i know in the past like 6 months ive cut my feul costs in half i just dont drive much anymore. ok not the cost the consumption im using half the gas but it cost s the same ](*,)