Gas prices and hunting
7/5/08 11:29am
Is the high cost of fuel affecting your hunting this year? What are you doing differently?
I bought a motorcycle for my commuting to and from work. It sure is nicer spending $16 a week vice $100 on feeding my Hemi. I will not take my truck scouting. I will be on the bike. Since my area is a few hour drive, the bike will be my mode of transportation.
I bought a motorcycle for my commuting to and from work. It sure is nicer spending $16 a week vice $100 on feeding my Hemi. I will not take my truck scouting. I will be on the bike. Since my area is a few hour drive, the bike will be my mode of transportation.
I think twice before jumping in the truck to go look over areas now.
its going to get worse if we let the Dem's run the country. They think they can push the Change button and have it tomorrow. What are we to do just drive our truck to the junk yard and buy a hybrid? its going to take 12 years to turn our fleet over at least. So now's the time to drill here and drill now! permit clean coal gasification, open the oil shale deposits for production, refine ethanol and other bio fuels