general archery elk success

Well I had a great year was getting ready to call it a week and saw alot of great elk during my hunt. When the sun came up we decided to walk around for a hour or so before heading home and was hiking around and giving a few cow calls and all the sudden had a bull that was bugling several miles away and we just decided to keep cow calling and the bull ran to us screaming the entire time I could not believe what i was hearing and when he bugled within 50 yards I could not believe how fast he was coming. He had three cows with him and gave me a 30 yard shot after he bugled one last time my knees where shaking. The bull turned and walked 20 feet and began to fall and I watched as he tumbled over and I could not believe that i had shot my first bull with archery that was bugling. It was the funnest thing i have ever done and I was excited and the wind was blowing so perfect and the cow calls were working well. I was even more excited to see he was all rubbed off and was a nice 4x4. The way he was bugling I thought it was a life time chance for me and it all paid off.
Congrats on a great hunt and thanks for sharing!!!! :thumb
Awesome, congrats!
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That is a great story. Way to go! That's early to be bugling and running with cows, score for you! What general area were you in, and how high? Was it cold? I've got an LE tag and I'm hoping for more of that rutting activity!
Oh yeah.....lots of good eats right there. Congratulations!
Sounds like a blast and everything worked to perfection, including a fine shot. :thumb
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thanks guys. It was cold Friday and Saturday but warmed up a bit. I was at 8500 feet and he was bugling up above me several miles. I heard another bull up higher that was also calling early in the morning and when it got light he slowed down on calling. It was a great time and yes the meat will be awesome. We had a cold front that moved in over the weekand and it got the elk a moving for sure. I had 47 pics on my tree camera Friday night alone and had some great pictures of cows and one bull still in velvet and even two cows standing up facing each other. I will post some pics of the tree camera so you can see them. Thanks
6x6 bull
Congrats on a beautiful bull!!! You will always remember the first.
Well done! Meat for the freezer.We're leaving a week from Tuesday for NV bull hunt. I hope my son is fortunate enough to fill his tag.

Again, well done. Congratulations.
Looks like someone is going to be eating good, congrats on the success
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Sweet. Nice work.
congrats nice bull, our elk season starts this weekend in oregon, nice bull for sure
Congrats!! Thats a great story with a very nice bull (BBD) you should have some great BBQ :thumb 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
Excellent, congrats... :thumb
Well Done!
Great story! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the kill, Im jealous! :thumb
The Ox
very cool! congrats cant beat that on an open unit!
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