general archery elk success
8/22/09 9:54am
Well I had a great year was getting ready to call it a week and saw alot of great elk during my hunt. When the sun came up we decided to walk around for a hour or so before heading home and was hiking around and giving a few cow calls and all the sudden had a bull that was bugling several miles away and we just decided to keep cow calling and the bull ran to us screaming the entire time I could not believe what i was hearing and when he bugled within 50 yards I could not believe how fast he was coming. He had three cows with him and gave me a 30 yard shot after he bugled one last time my knees where shaking. The bull turned and walked 20 feet and began to fall and I watched as he tumbled over and I could not believe that i had shot my first bull with archery that was bugling. It was the funnest thing i have ever done and I was excited and the wind was blowing so perfect and the cow calls were working well. I was even more excited to see he was all rubbed off and was a nice 4x4. The way he was bugling I thought it was a life time chance for me and it all paid off.
Again, well done. Congratulations.