Getting Closer

This time next week, I'll be driving to Colorado and preparing for the long hike into an alpine bowl to chase velvet clad mule deer. I can hardly wait.......going to hunt there for a week (solo), drive home and go back to work for a week.......then I'm off for three more weeks to Arizona to chase bull elk with the ol' BOHNTR crew. Sometimes I think the anticipation of a hunt is more exciting than the hunt itself! :)

Anyone else heading out next week?
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Man Roy, wish I was going with ya to colorado.. I promise one of these years I'll be able to pull it off.
Me and my boy Wyatt will be after some velvet come saturday on the Utah opener. His goal is 2-point or better, just has to be bigger then the spike he arrowed last year :))

Good Luck Roy, Hope ya find a giant to hunt.
Be in the Sierra's this Friday for the opener of A14...Muley's on the brain right now after switching gears...However Tule's keep sneaking in there! :))
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Sounds like a great season! Good luck Sir.
Brings a smile to my face knowing Roy is in the Backcountry chasing big Muley's. Best of luck and be safe!
I will be heading in for our first ever full backcountry hunt on Friday with my wife and little brother. Pretty excited! Been a long time coming since I finally bought everything to be able to stay for a couple of days in. Looking at about an 8 mile hike into where we have been seeing some dandy bucks. Hopefully me and my new bow can make something happen!! Either way, I am way excited to get out there and try! Best of luck to everyone heading out soon!
I promise one of these years I'll be able to pull it off.
You know Jer, we've been telling each other we're going to make it happen for years now........then schedule conflicts just seem to come up. You waiting for me to retire, amigo? :) Enjoy that weekend with Wyatt.....I hope he lets the air out of a good one! Send photos if he does.
Brings a smile to my face knowing Roy is in the Backcountry chasing big Muley's.

Mine too, Brett. Last year I just had a little itch (Coues Deer) I had to finally scratch........but man, I missed the high-country.
Looking at about an 8 mile hike into where we have been seeing some dandy bucks.
That's a good poke with a full pack. Mine trek is a couple miles less, but quite a bit of elevation gain. Good luck up there and I hope you arrow a buck of your dreams.
Scouting this weekend. Going to be gettin some elk next weekend (hopefully), then wait for bear season to open :thumb
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Ill probably head out the 24th for 4 or 5 days looking for deer and elk. Then i will go out a few more times closer to the elk rut. My wife will allow me 14 days this season give or take.
I thought this was going to be a lesson on how I can get within 30 yards of my buck. :)) Oh well, good luck on your adventure next week. :thumb
Have fun and post some pics, My draws didn’t work out this year so I’m trying to put some archery OTC hunts together.
Best of luck to everyone... I'll just sit here & read all your cool stories until muzzleloader season!
6x6 bull
Good Luck Roy!! I will be in CO for the opener but not as high up as you. Be safe and don't hurt yourself in CO ,those AZ elk tags don't come in the mail every year.
Leave Thursday for my Tule hunt..Good luck and be safe out there!