Getting frustrated

Hey guys. Im here in and i have my over the counter any antlered deer tag for archery. Ive been out a few times, but i just cant seem to get any where close enough to a buck. I hate sitting, so i dont think a blind or stand is for me. I like to walk but every time i do i cant get close enough.

My friend and i went out yesterday and were trying to spot and stalk. We spotted a nice size muley about 2000 yards away. So we gradually made our way to him, but he was with about 4 other deer also. We got within only about 200 yards and we were busted. Its just so frustrating that it seems like i am throwing away money on a deer tag and bow and arrows and i dont even get the oppurtunity to take a shot.

Sorry for the rant, any info is appreciated. Also great site!!
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For myself that is the appeal of the archery hunt. Sitting on some ridge and shooting an animal from 300 yards plus is not exciting to me. It is the thrill of the stalk and waiting for everything to come together just perfectly. If you talk to archery hunters many more stalks are not completed than those that are. Be patient and it will come together for you.
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I had a perfect stalk on a huge 4x4 on Sunday morning and blew the shot, watched the arrow fly right over his back. I cant tell you how many stalks i blew before that one and even when you do get to the point of shooting nothing is gauranteed. It's all in the fun of trying diffrent teqniques(sp) Dont put so much pressure on yourself to kill and you will have a lot more fun. I was upset over missing but i can also look forward to some more stalks and time in the woods.
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This is just the first time that ive even done the spot and stalk method. Ive always just either walked in heavily treed areas or sat for a little bit. Whenever i walk i always scare them off. So i figure the spot and stalk is the way to go.

The area im hunting is lots of big hills. There was a big fire thru it a few years back so there are fallen trees everywhere and the grass is 2 feet high in most places. Its a great area to sit on one hill side and glass the other ones. Any advice on what to do? After i glass the animal that i want then what? DO i wait for it to bed down? Do i get as close as possible as soon as possible?

Thanks for all the help. The hunt ends on the 9th so i have a few days left. I juts really needed to put some meat in my freezer this year. Im not soo worried about size as long as it is a fork or bigger. Ill worry more about size when i get the spot and stalk hunting down. Thanks guys

Also how do you actually find out if there are alot of bucks in the area?
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Move slow, wind in face, take your shoes off and go in socks when you get close.

That has worked for me on my first year, it's just getting passed the 45 yard mark I've got within 50 yards of 6 bucks. 2 within 10 yards, they got spooked to me though. To bad the 23 1/2 incher just got killed though.
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"katorade" wrote:Move slow, wind in face, take your shoes off and go in socks when you get close.

That has worked for me on my first year, it's just getting passed the 45 yard mark I've got within 50 yards of 6 bucks. 2 within 10 yards, they got spooked to me though. To bad the 23 1/2 incher just got killed though.
really? How close is close enough to pull off your boots and start stalking in socks?
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Taking off ur boots just releases a ton of scent,dont fall for the eastman BS,unless you practice shooting in sock feet it also screws up your stance,its not worth the minute amount of noise reduction it might produce,IMO.
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If your getting busted at 200 yards, i would say you need to play the wind better, and slow down, it sounds like you are trying to close the distance too fast.

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Last time i tried socks i found my first cactus about 10 ft later #-o this year a got a pair of leather bottomed moccasins we'll have to see how that works. My best luck bowhunting has been get in about 100 yards or so then take it extremely slow (sometimes takes 30 mins or better to cover 50 yards) or if they aren't bedded try to get in a position they will work their way towards you. patience is the key hope ya get him.
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Ok my buddy and i will be going out tomorrow. Our plan is to get out there while still dark and get on top of this big hill. Then we can start glassing and finding some deer. Any advice on when we find something we would like to take?
You need to slow down and play the wind, one time i stalked a deer from 400 yards, got the shot but misjudged the distance. Just slow down, it can take you 3 hours to walk 100 feet. Bow hunters are not impatient!
Think how much that first deer will mean to you when you finally succeed. That's why a bowhunting kill brings so much more satisfaction than a gun kill, to so many bowhunters! It took me three years to kill my first big game animal with a bow, but then I killed my second big game species with a bow about 10 minutes later! I was hooked!! :thumb

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Thats a tough break. Good things will happen for you soon. The wait is something that I have gotten used to so its no big deal for me.