Getting me excited for 1st year of TCing

Looking through all these posts have gotten me pretty excited for the summer months! I just got my first trail camera and hoping to be able to get some sweet pics! Found an awesome honey hole last year so hopefully I'll be able to post some pics on here soon! Any little tips that would help me out would be helpful since this is my first year! Thanks for all the sweet pics you guys have put up!
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This is kinda a no brainer and im not exactly sure if all cameras are this way.. if you can help it try setting the camera up face north or south.. seems the sun sets off the camera when i rises and sets
Thanks for the tip! Try to avoid the sun! Post some pics as soon as I get some!
I have been using trail cams for years. It is really addicting. What kind did you get?
I got a Moultrie D40. My buddy who works as a guide here says they got about a hundred of those and they work really good so that's what I ended up buying. But by the sound of it, I'll probably be buying a couple more in the next couple months! Wish it would quit snowing in the mountains already so I could get up and put it up! :))
Right on! I just checked mine out and got a bunch of black-tailed deer bucks in velvet and a few cow elk. I used video for the first time, it worked very well. Good luck! Hope the snow leaves for you soon!!
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Always make the camera take a picture of you before you leave and when you come back. That way you will know the camera was working correctly the whole time you had it out.
Carry a small camera to check pics with. You can run through them to see if you need to move the camera.
Get 2 memory cards. you can slip into the area, check the pics. If you want to leave the camera there, put a new card in and slip out. You can further examine the pics on a larger screen at home.
Always carry spare batterys.
If other people have access to the area i would go ahead and make a metal security box that you can lock to the tree.
Thanks.....I hadn't even thought of going in front of it before i leave to make sure it working. And good thinking with the batteries too since a camera that's not powered doesn't take very good pics! I thought about the two cards thing since the camera will be like an hour from my house.....want to be able to download the big bucks that I'm gonna capture onto my computer! LOL......that might be a little wishful thinking but that's ok! I'll share what I get though and thanks for your guys' advice!