girl friends first deer

so we went to tha bush today, and my girl for tha last 6 years took her first shot and connected, on a fat 3 by 3 mulie tha camera is dead right now so no pic tonight boys and i need to send it to someone to upload for me please i am so proud of her first deer man was he fat not much for tines though but a beauty first buck it only took me 6 years to get her to shoot no wonder iam so happy. cheers
ohhh yeah it was a neck shot dropped in his tracks
congrats to the hunter,

ill be waiting for the pics!!!
Congrats, let see the pics when you get time. :thumb
Congrats cannot wait to see the pics!
she went to great lenth to please you cuz she's going to dump you. By next thur she's going to dump Unless you get her a ring.
"gilamonster8" wrote:she went to great lenth to please you cuz she's going to dump you. By next thur she's going to dump Unless you get her a ring.
Awww, come on. Girls arent like that are they? LOL

Congrats to you and your girlfriend 300WSM. I got my wife to go with me one time and now she wont even eat deer meat, let alone go back out in the field with me. Maybe I shouldn't have had her help me field drress the deer, but I figured she's there so her hands are gonna get dirty too. Oh well, I dont care much for sitting around scrapbooking either, so we're even.
thats awsome we will be waiting for the pics. :thumb