Gmap4 = Google Maps + topographic maps + more
12/5/11 12:05pm
Dear Moderators,
If you are concerned that this post is spam, please take a moment to see what people on other forums are saying about Gmap4. You will find links to a number of threads if you scroll down a bit on this page:
Gmap4 is an enhanced Google Map viewer that lets you view detailed topographic maps for the USA and Canada. Gmap4 has no ads, no banners, no spam. It is 100% free and is all map all the time. Since it runs online, you do not need to download or install anything.
Gmap4 lets you:
* Search
* Print
* Display a UTM grid
* Get the current magnetic declination
* Display data from GPX, KML, KMZ, TPO and Google My Places files
* Display data from a simple delimited file
* Display labels on waypoints
* And more
Here is the Gmap4 homepage where you will find new user info, examples, a ‘Help’ pdf file and a bit about me:
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
Redmond, WA
If you are concerned that this post is spam, please take a moment to see what people on other forums are saying about Gmap4. You will find links to a number of threads if you scroll down a bit on this page:
Gmap4 is an enhanced Google Map viewer that lets you view detailed topographic maps for the USA and Canada. Gmap4 has no ads, no banners, no spam. It is 100% free and is all map all the time. Since it runs online, you do not need to download or install anything.
Gmap4 lets you:
* Search
* Display a UTM grid
* Get the current magnetic declination
* Display data from GPX, KML, KMZ, TPO and Google My Places files
* Display data from a simple delimited file
* Display labels on waypoints
* And more
Here is the Gmap4 homepage where you will find new user info, examples, a ‘Help’ pdf file and a bit about me:
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
Redmond, WA
1. Gmap4 can now find your location on the map. This service will use some or all of:
* Your IP address
* Cell towers
* Wi-fi hotspots
* Any GPS chip in your phone or other mobile device
Simply open any map in your phone’s browser and then select Menu ==> Findme. You can try this right now on your desktop/laptop just to see how it works. However, your desktop/laptop location will likely not be very accurate since in many cases only your IP address will be used.
You can also build Gmap4 URLs that will automatically run the Findme feature when the map opens. Simply include the parameter ‘findme=on’ in the Gmap4 URL.
Since Gmap4 uses the Google maps Application Programming Interface (API), this feature only works if your phone’s browser is online to the internet.
Also, because Gmap4 is a web application, you do not need to download or install anything in order to use Gmap4 on your phone. To open Gmap4 on your phone:
A. Open your phone’s browser. (Remember, that browser has to be online.)
B. Do a web search for Gmap4 - the first hit should be the Gmap4 homepage
C. Select the link just under the homepage title. That link opens Gmap4 and displays a map of the world.
D. Select Menu ==> Findme
Of course you can save the Gmap4 URL as a bookmark in your phone’s browser.
Gmap4 does not save your location or report it to anyone. For more details, please search the Gmap4 Help file on ‘mobile’.
Here are two links with more information if you are curious how this works:
2. You can turn off the coordinates in the lower right corner
Turning off the coordinate display in the lower right will let you see more of the map. You can toggle that display by selecting Menu ==> UTM - LatLng - Off
To open Gmap4 with that display already off, include the parameter ‘&coord=off’ in the Gmap4 URL
3. Tweaking the mobile interface
Gmap4 is not a ‘native’ app for your phone. Instead, the exact same code that runs in the browser on your desktop/laptop also runs in the browser on your phone. Amazing! But this means my options for improving the interface when running on a phone are somewhat limited. What I can do fairly easily is add buttons. However, each button would cover part of the map.
Question: Are there any features of Gmap4 important enough that they should have their own buttons? One obvious candidate is the ‘Findme’ feature. Any others?
4. The MyTopo maps now display ads in one corner. That was not my idea!
For example, this map shows part of Yellowstone National Park:
The Trimble Company now owns the MyTopo maps. As the 'price' for being allowed to continue displaying the MyTopo maps at no cost, Gmap4 must display Trimble's ad images when the MyTopo maps are on the screen.
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
Redmond, WA
First, Gmap4 can now display a new set of very high resolution USA topographic maps that (1) are a better quality image than the MyTopo maps, (2) do not have heavy watermarks obscuring part of the map and (3) do not have any ads. The link below displays a basic map of the USA. Zoom in to your favorite area (or use the ‘Search’ feature) then open the menu in the upper right corner and select “t4 Topo High”.
You can also set the amount of hill shading you prefer to see on these new maps. Click Menu ==> Hill shading. And there is a new URL parameter (&hillshade=) you can use to set the hill shading in any Gmap4 URLs that you make.
A developer in California named Matt (
Matt’s high resolution topographic map tiles should cover the states show in green on the following index map. I think the states that are not done yet are FL, LA, MA, MS, NH, RI, SD, VT and WY.
As the USGS finishes high resolution scans (660 pixels per inch) for the remaining states, Matt will be processing that data into tiles.
The Gmap4 ‘Help’ file has more information on these new maps and also instructions for how you can report any problems you discover.
Second, Gmap4 now includes a trip planning feature called “Make a map”. You can now click the map to make waypoints, routes and tracks. You can download your work in a GPX file and then upload that information into many handheld GPS units. Of course you can also put your GPX file online and then make a Gmap4 URL to display your file. This feature works worldwide.
Gmap4’s implementation of this feature lets you:
* Click once and create both a waypoint and routepoint
* Edit any data field (including GPS symbol name) that causes information to appear on your GPS screen
“Make a map” quick start:
1. Zoom in where you want to do trip planning
2. Set the map view you want
3. Click Menu ==> Make a map
4. Click a few spots on the map. Distance in miles and kilometers is reported in the lower right corner.
5. Right click any point
6. Click “Download GPX file”
7. Right click the URL to the GPX file and save it on your harddrive
8. Load the GPX information into your GPS
Each click you just made on the map sets a draggable (click-hold-drag) waypoint and routepoint. This is the Gmap4 default for trip planning.
For more information on these features, please visit the Gmap4 homepage and download the current Help file. The sections that describe these new features are marked “(New)” in the table of contents.
Gamp4 Homepage:
I welcome your suggestions for improvements and any bug reports.
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
To try out this feature:
1. Click Menu ==> Draw and Save
2. Click the map a few times to set draggable symbols and draw a line
3. Rightclick any symbol and select “Gmap4 display long link”
You can copy the link that is displayed, paste it into a new browser address bar, hit enter and your custom map will be displayed.
This feature also works on your iPhone, iPad, android and other mobile device. Remember, Gmap4 is a browser app and your browser has to be online. After you tap the screen to set some draggable symbols then tap a symbol and select “Action Menu”. The list of actions include two different ways to save a Gmap4 link that includes your data.
More information on this map-in-a-link feature can be found in the following three places.
1. What’s new page
Note the tip about deleting the ll and z parameters from your Gmap4 link.
2. Example page
Scroll down to the section titled “Your map data saved in the Gmap4 link”. The examples range from basic to advanced and give you a quick way to see some of the kinds of maps you can make with this feature.
3. Help file
You can download the PDF file and search it (control-f) for the section titled “Make a custom map with Gmap4 and save it”.
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
Redmond, WA
The following link starts a beta version of Gmap4 and shows a large area centered near Denver and a transparent overlay that shows the very detailed boundary of the land that the federal government actually owns. This federal ownership data covers the USA. Zoom in for a lot more detail.
Green is land the government owns inside of national forest boundaries. Yellow is land owned by BLM.
A quick way to switch the map to your favorite spot is Menu ==> Search.
To toggle the ownership data on/off, open the ‘map type’ menu (button in upper right corner of the map), go to the bottom of that list and click ‘Public_land’.
To see this ownership data on high resolution topo maps first zoom in so the scale in the lower left corner says 1 mile and then open the ‘map type’ menu and select ‘t4 Topo High’.
Note - this federal ownership map has a link that displays a map ‘key’ but the image file holding the ‘key’ does not look right. The official in charge says that should be fixed in a few days.
(The software running this forum did not correctly render the map link so you will have to copy and paste it into your browser.),-104.996338&t=h,Public_land&z=8&markers=||title=<div%20style="font-weight:bold;">Federal%20Land<br%20/>Boundaries<br%20/><a%20href=""%20target="_blank">Map%20key</a><br%20/><a%20href=""%20target="_blank">Data%20source</a><br%20/><a%20href=""%20target="_blank">About%20this%20map</a></div>&wms=
Data like this federal ownership information is typically only seen by using complicated GIS software. Even if the GIS software is free you still have to download it, install it, learn how to use it, etc. With this beta version of Gmap4 you can now make a link to display data that previously was usually only seen with GIS software. Yes, you do have to learn how to make the Gmap4 link. But that learning curve is much shorter than learning how to use GIS software.
There is an astonishing amount of data that governmental agencies and private organizations have placed online that you can display simply by learning how to put the right information into a Gmap4 link. The Gmap4 beta page has more example maps and documentation showing how you can make Gmap4 links to display all kinds of information on the map.
Beta page:
The example maps on the beta page include:
* USA map with current weather radar
* NOAA coastal navigation charts including the most detailed charts
* Current forest fire boundaries
* Index to 1:24,000 scale topos for USA
* Index to 1:50,000 scale topos for Canada
* and more
If you play with this feature and make a cool map, I hope you share it.
Also, while I am happy to answer questions please help me help you by first reading the information on the beta page. That information will answer a great many questions.
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
Redmond, WA