God is AWESOME :) First day success :) Elk down...
9/4/08 9:07am
I am so excited. We went out the morning of September 1st, around 7:30am for my elk hunt in NM. It had been raining all night and during the morning so we had a late start. We had scouted a few weeks earlier, and my fiance had a spot picked out he wanted to head to. So we headed in, as we were coming in we spooked a small 4 by 4 and were bummed as we thought we had gotten in too late, but we decided to go ahead a stay put in the spot he had choosen. Around 9:00 we heard one buggle about 200 to 300 yards away. My finace buggled back, we waited for a short amount of time and the bull buggled back this time 80 to 100 yards now, he was coming quick. :) My fiance buggled back once again and he was there so fast. When I saw him I started to draw back and hit my release,,,my nerves were nuts..It went about 2 feet right by my fiance:( The bull did not even notice it he was coming in and stepped behind a tree, I reloaded my arrow and got at full draw, he was coming right to us. When he was in a clear path, my fiance did a cow call and he stopped, I nailed him,,perfect heart shot..:) He only went 81 yards and down he went. He was dead within minutes. Anyway he is a beautiful 6 by 6 and I could not be happier. What an amazing day.

http://i509.photobucket.com/albums/s339/bowhuntingdiva/sarahhuntnet1.jpg " alt="" />

http://i509.photobucket.com/albums/s339/bowhuntingdiva/sarahhuntnet2.jpg " alt="" />

And YES that is a perfect shot! :not-worthy
And a big Welcome to the site.
He was about 20yds