Good 2 way radios?

There are a lot of 2 way radios out there. Anyone have a recommendation?
We've always had good luck with Motorolas. Of course, as each year passes the radios get better and have further range. I believe we are on our 3rd or 4th sets of Motorolas. One guy always shows up with some other brand, can't recall what it is at the moment, but he can never hear us when we can hear him.
I have had really good luck with the motorolas. Get them at costco; they always sell them in pairs or threes together with rechargeable batteries and more importantly hands free sets. The had phones are a must for hunting so that only you hear the communication and not the animals.
So what Motorolas are you guys using, I have a pair of the T8500 Series radios and the speakers suck, I have not even had them for a year, if you put a headphone in they are a little better but they still are not that great. :>/
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I was looking at the T8550, so I'm bummed to hear that. Maybe that's why there are so many on ebay.
I have pairs of like 3 different models and all have been good for me. Here are some from Costco; if I remember correctly the ones in the store were about 80 for 3; these ones online do not include the ear bugs|79|82&N=4001436&Mo=24&No=14&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=82&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&topnav=
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The ones that I use are Cobra's. They are nice and the security channels are neat. The thing I hate is how it beeps after you talk.
"BowtechAdmiral" wrote:The ones that I use are Cobra's. They are nice and the security channels are neat. The thing I hate is how it beeps after you talk.
Motorolas have that feature too, but it can be shut off by holding the + button as you turn it on, Cobra may have something similar. My bro had a bull bust him from that dumb beep.
Ive had some good use out of my Moto T8500's but I do hate that beep. I just use the headphone jacks they came with them though, that way the only beep is in your ear and not from a loud speaker. To add to the comment of the bad speaker though, Ive heard some bad and some good but generally the sound I hear when it is bad is because the person on the other end basically has the mic in their mouth and you can NEVER understand things when thats the case.
I understand the mic to the mouth idea, but I am not a newbie to these two way radios and I don't think that is the case with these that I have. I think it is the speaker. I am looking into getting some new ones but have not figured out which ones I will get.
Sounds good, post your findings... Im sure we could all benefit from better sounding speakers! Have you tried other Motorola's either or just the 8500's you mentioned? I wonder if its jsut model specific that has the problems. It'd be nice to find out eh?
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I use to have Motorolas and they pretty good. But its been a long time since I use it and maybe I will upgrade to a newer one. Still searching for one..
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If you want good radios, stay away from the Rhinos with GPS and locate abilities. They are great for marking and finding buddies, but radio reception is poor. At least on the lower end model I have. Couple of guys in our group use Midland and they are always picking everyone up as well us us hearing them a long ways away.
My motorolas have been great. Check out the rhinos, It 's nice to have the GPS and radio in one unit.
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I used to use Cobras FRS110 but the range was so low that now I am looking at getting something with a little more range.On my Cobras I used a PTT [Push To Talk] system with the earplug in the ear and the mic clipped to my coat collar.When I wanted to talk I just pressed a button on the mic and sent the message.The only noise was in the earplug so the game could not hear it..I converted some earplugs that I got at London drugs ,,,they fit right ovet the ear and were very comfortable and never fell out even if I ran
I just sent an email to cobra asking if they had anything with this system ,it is better than voice activated because it takes time to activate the mic and you loose some of the conversation,,,,and you don't want that when your hunting...Dan