Good & Bad... No Snow!!!
2/16/13 7:50pm
Two weeks ago I took my 4 year old daughter with me to check on the family cabin in the Ogden unit. I was surprised at the lack of snow. We saw lots of deer on the drive up South Fork Canyon between the mouth of the canyon to the parking lot. This was her first time on the snowmobile and I wasn't sure how she'd take it. I thought she was crying as we cruised along the road, but turns out those were little squeals as we hit the "washboards" on the trail. " alt="" />
The hillside across from the cabin is usually an unblemished blanket of several feet of powder... this year there were several south facing slopes even at that elevation that were bare. " alt="" />
All of the deer (and even a couple elk) looked to be in very good shape, but I am starting to fear for this summer. I get that the mild winter is nice for the animals but this summer's wildfire season, etc. could be scary if we don't get some more snow.

The hillside across from the cabin is usually an unblemished blanket of several feet of powder... this year there were several south facing slopes even at that elevation that were bare.

All of the deer (and even a couple elk) looked to be in very good shape, but I am starting to fear for this summer. I get that the mild winter is nice for the animals but this summer's wildfire season, etc. could be scary if we don't get some more snow.
Worried about drought and wildfires? Think Spring, Summer and Fall rains. Winter snow has not much to do with it.
However, if we get through it unscathed (as is the hope) I'm looking forward to potentially one of the best hunting seasons in recent history especially after seeing so many young bucks on the muzzy deer hunt, so many does with fawns (and most of them twins) that will provide a new crop of young bucks, and 6 mature bucks that had made it through the deer seasons during the muzzy elk hunt.