I will be going to Colorado to hunt second rifle season mullies and have never been hunting out west ever in my life what are some good areas to look for bucks on public land I will be hunting near rifle CO Im just looking for places to check for them in the morning and during midday and later in the afternoon is one area better than the other certain times of the day so on and so forth Thanks my fellow hunter dudes.
doeslayer32, can you add one more choice? How about "All of the above"?

Those bucks will hide where ever they feel safe and comfortable. Heck, I don't know about Colorado but I've seen bucks here in WA lay down in the middle of a rock slide or at the base of a small bluff and completely blend in. Plenty of cover elsewhere but they chose these spots...and if I hadn't seen them actually lay down I would have never known they were there.

My, glass, glass...and when you're done, glass some more. Look for movement, no matter how small, like the flick of an ear or the tips of antlers sticking above the brush, grass, rocks, etc. Check the bases of bluffs, under brush and low-hanging branches, and every other spot that might hold a deer-sized animal. Also, look for sign. If there are no signs of deer then maybe you need to spend more time elsewhere. Even the craftiest of bucks will leave sign whether it's droppings, rubs and scrapes, prints, beds, etc.

Good luck man but I guess what I'm tryin to say is "It's mighty tough to narrow down a Mule Deer's hiding spot to a handful of choices.

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ya these polls are pretty cool I think ah heck before I know it that will be out of system LOL ok I didnt realize it was such a stupid poll
I don't think it's a stupid poll but I would also say all of the above. Good luck.

Those Muley bucks that have survived a couple hunting seasons aren't much interested in hiding from you. If they spot you, and they likely will, all their going to want to do is put a couple canyons or ridges between him and you.

Muleys are not going to act at all like a MN Whitetail. When your setting up to glass be very careful not to silhouette yourself. That old buck is going to be laying in a spot he feels safe.Where He will be able to spot danger and in two bounds be in a gully or depression and out of sight. That's why big Muleys, say 25 in and better are hard to come by on public hunting areas.
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hey thanks ridgetop where is a good place to start looking in a compltely new area you have never hunted before and to top it off only hunting whitetails in the northwoods of minnesota a whole different ball game thats for sure
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hey waynedevore thanks for the glassing tip I was thinking of tucking myself in front of some cover but I could see alot of guys including myself making that easy mistake otherwise give me some senarios and what I should do not to get skylined out west
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i hunt all the above. thats your best chance of finding a desint buck
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I fight with this one every year. I see fewer bucks above timberline than I do in the sage flats, but have better luck getting a shot off way up top instead of in the brush. This year im hunting deer low first and keeping my eyes on the ridges where I elk hunt.
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"doeslayer32" wrote:ya these polls are pretty cool I think ah heck before I know it that will be out of system LOL ok I didnt realize it was such a stupid poll
really it's a good poll. you didn't get the type of answer that you expected but you got a good one. don't limit were your looking for them.
The key I think is long distance glassing. I went to a new area two weeks ago and started looking as high as possible. Up in the upper alpine basins. I saw a few nice 4 points but not as many as I thought I would see. I then looked over some maps and found that there was a main hiking trail nearby. which atvs have been illegally using. Thats why not many bucks! ](*,) So this morning I decided to look lower on the mnt. in a more remote area with a nice looking snow slide in it. Bingo, I found the mother load at the top end of the slide, 8 nice bucks with one really nice one. :) I then started glassing the cliffy areas near the slide and the edges of the thick pines and found about 10 to 12 more good bucks. All this was done glassing from a mile away with a 30x scope and 10x 42 binos.
All of the above. Just depends on the area you are in at the time.