Good Bows

Im considering to start hunting with a bow next year but need to get one. Whats a good bow to get? I know Hoyt, Mathews and PSE makes a good bow but what model would be the best a most reliable to get? thanks
I have a Hoyt Vectrix I really like it alot Ive been told that it is a little heavy compared to the mathew and bow tech but it actually makes me more accurate with weight.
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Go shoot as many brands as you can, they're like cars you need to test drive em before you buy one.
Put a few in your hand and feel them, shoot them, point them, carry them. Great advice there.

Personally I believe in Mathews. All those pro hunters aren't just shooting them becasue they have great marketing, they are top notch quality bows. I have never had an issue with mine in 5 years, but if I were to have one, I know they would fix it lickety split no questions asked.

Second place companies that make good quality products are PSE (X-force) and the newer bows from Bowtech.

My buddy has a $1300.00 Hoyt that breaks all the time. At least their CS is good though.

My .02
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If you have the money get a Mathews. I don't hear any complaints and they hold their value. Just try to find a real deal on one on eBay. I've got a PSE Mossy Oak NX I love. Well two of them really. The Bowtech Tomcat is another I hear few complaints about.
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I can vouch for the Tomkat, it's treated me well so far. Compact and fast.
6x6 bull
I shoot Mathews and love them. I wouldn't hesitate in giving my endorsement to any bow in their line. Like most people said a good bow for you must feel right to you. Most of the name brand companies make a great product now, more so now than in the past, Try a bunch then pick the one that looks,feels, shoots, the best for you. Make sure you have fun. Alot of people I know don't want to go out and practice after they spend the money on a good bow .They think just because they spent alot of money the bow is supposed to do the work for them. It doesn't work that way.
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I just went from a mathews legacy to the bowtech general and don't regret my decision at all. Granted the legacy is old technology compared to the new stuff but as far as the general goes... no hand all, shoots extremely smooth, silent, and fairly quick. The only thing negative about that I've found is the wall isn't as solid as the newer mathews but I'd much rather shoot the general than the dxt FOR SURE. However, as stated above... it's all about personal preferance so shoot as many different bows as you can...good luck
Shoot as many as you can. They all will fit a person a little different. I personaly have the Bowtech Alligeance and love it. I hvae had it for 3 years now and have not had a bit of problem with it. But my dad shoots a Hoyt and loves it.

I think if you can get any one of the upper end bows (Bowtech, Mathews, Hoyt, or the upper end PSE) you will be doing great.

Good luck to you in your decision.
I agree with the others, shoot all you can and buy the one that feels best that you can afford

but my last 2 bows have been Mathews Switchback XT and a Quest QS31, both are really good bows
Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but if I were to go into a bow shop would they let me shoot these bows to see what I like and what feels good? I dont have a bow, but am looking at getting one in the next couple of years when I can afford it. Part of what is keeping me from getting into archery hunting is my lack of knowledge, and I dont want to go into a shop and look completely stupid and end up getting a bow that is totally not right for me just because the salesman pressured me into it.
I would watch out for the Bowtech General right now. I know it's a good bow as most of Bowtechs, but they just had a recall on all the limbs. There are a lot of good bows out there. I bought my first bow at and he set it up and everything. It is ready to shoot right out of the case they send it in. Save you a lot of money on the extras also by buying it in a package deal. He has a lot of information on there to help you make an educated decision to. Good luck
Hoyt vectrix is the only way to go.
"79Ford" wrote:Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but if I were to go into a bow shop would they let me shoot these bows to see what I like and what feels good? I dont have a bow, but am looking at getting one in the next couple of years when I can afford it. Part of what is keeping me from getting into archery hunting is my lack of knowledge, and I dont want to go into a shop and look completely stupid and end up getting a bow that is totally not right for me just because the salesman pressured me into it.
That would all depend on the shop. Most of the larger stores, have some partially competent salesmen that should steer you in the right direction. usually there are 20 guys stadning around the archery counter this time of year and they will chime in with their opinions as well, listen to them all with a grain of salt.

Having said that, If you like the bow and it feels good and points well in your hands, then it doesnt matter what the name on the bow reads, And there are a lot of good quality bows on the market these days.
Some smaller shops aren't as eager to let you just pick up any bow and fire away, depends on the shop.
But if you walk in and tell them that you want to drop $800 in their store on a new bow and want to spend some time deciding which one they are usually a little more helpful ha ha. Because they also know you will want arrows and a sight and a new this or that in the near future.

So, if it fits you well and you get to shoot it and you like it, then it IS the right bow for you, regardless of what brand it is.

Or just buy a Mathews, and be super duper happy! 10sign:
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I've owned bows from all the big companies out there over the years but I'm now shooting a PSE X-Force and for me it's the ultimate hunting bow....Very well built, tough as nails, quiet and crazy fast, plus it makes a ton of Kenetic Energy to boot. I've owned alot of Mathews bows over the years and they make a good bow but they are not my favorites, I hate the grip on them and they are lacking a little in speed these days. To me the X-Force is the right fit....But you need to shoot alot of them and decide what you like the best, it's all about what you want and not what people tell you that you need.
I have just recently gotten back into bow hunting after a 14 year drought and I got into a bow that is within my abilites maybe just a bit more to "grow into" and I love it. It's fast quiet and forgiving and that is what I need to not get frustrated in starting up again. It is the PSE Octane parralell limb. I could not ask for more in the stage I am in with my archery hunting. I shoot carbon force 300 w/100gr broads and I can use the same pin up to about 24 yards it is so flat. Shooting about 65lbs and a 30in arrows. I LOVE IT. Just my .02 worth if it helps.
