Good Day!

Went out coyote hunting yesterday to test out my new electronic call I got for Christmas. The call is the Primos Alpha Dog and it is awesome! its very loud and has very clear sound!
I did 9 stands and called in 6 yotes with only 4 empty stands. I only ended up with one coyote and shot two, I followed one blood trail too a frozen river and didnt want to cross it. I had a buddy with me who missed two of the coyotes (his first time hunting anything)
It was by far the best day of coyote hunting I have had!
This female coyote ran by us from behind at about 25 yrds and ran right too the call and realized there was nothing there and trotted off to about 100 yrds and I barked at it too stop it and then let the .243 buck, the rest is history.
Good job. :thumb

Are you still seeing a problem with mange out that way? I know that the yotes were getting hit hard a couple of years ago.
I didn't see any mange on Saturday.. But yes it was bad a couple years back
pretty cool. thats one thing Ive never had any success doing- coyote calling. Wouldn't mind getting an electronic caller and giving it a go again
That's a good percentage of yotes coming in on your stands. Need to close the deal on those calf, fawn killing buggers. It's hard to get them back in once they have been educated. Way to go though and getting new folks out hunting. :thumb
Killerbee if you do get one check out the primos alpha dog! From my experience its much better than the fox pros and you can also put your own sounds on it. Other people may tell you different but I love it!