Good Map for Hiking Trails on Wasatch Front
11/1/10 10:49pm
Does anyone have a link or book recommendation for a good resource on the hiking trails of the Wasatch Front?
I have researched the internet and found some information, but I thought some of the Wasatch Pros here on the site might be able to direct me towards a good source fr the majority of trails on the front.
Thanks in advance.
I have researched the internet and found some information, but I thought some of the Wasatch Pros here on the site might be able to direct me towards a good source fr the majority of trails on the front.
Thanks in advance.

11/3/10 8:09am
I have looked for the same thing and i havent found it ](*,) i think that you just got to go explore i went up there the other day and just picked a mountain and hiked up lol i found a little trail and i got within 200 yards of a bull elk just couldnt get in bow range lol

11/13/10 5:14pm
The 60 hikes w/in 60 miles series is good (SLC edition). On sale on amazon for $12.