good mule deer books

Have you guys got any recommendations for good books about hunting trophy mulies?? I have read several that are full of general material that weren't really all that helpful to me. "How to find Giant Bucks" by Kirt Darner is probably the best one I have read, but I'm sure there are others. Any thoughts??
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Mike Eastman's "Hunting High Country Mule Deer" is a good book that covers everything from how to glass, to scoring a mule deer on the hoof, to what equipment you should get. However, David Long just came out with a book that even Mike Eastman states is the best book on hunting trophy mule deer. It's called "Public Land Mulies" and it's definitely the best book you'll find on mule deer. I promise it'll be worth it, it's loaded with amazing tips and even detailed scouting reports on all the western states. It's the best hunting book I've read and will be worth every penny you spend on it.
"loco4muleys" wrote:Mike Eastman's "Hunting High Country Mule Deer" is a good book that covers everything from how to glass, to scoring a mule deer on the hoof, to what equipment you should get. However, David Long just came out with a book that even Mike Eastman states is the best book on hunting trophy mule deer. It's called "Public Land Mulies" and it's definitely the best book you'll find on mule deer. I promise it'll be worth it, it's loaded with amazing tips and even detailed scouting reports on all the western states. It's the best hunting book I've read and will be worth every penny you spend on it.
I purchased this book a few weeks back. I've read a few chapters so far and really have enjoyed them.
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mike eastmans book hunting high country muleys is very good :thumb imo
I've read just about all of them written at one time or another. The best I've ever read (for bowhunting at least) is "Hunting Open-Country Mule deer" by Dwight Schuh. Here's a link to the book and also some others.
I have one that I would strongly recommend AGAINST your wasting your money on, "Hunting Monster Mule Deer in Arizona's Kiabab Region". Unless you are a first time hunter, this book is largely worthless and really only has a couple of pretty general paragraphs about Kiabab. It's worthless in my opinion. Duwane Adams, one of the writers, knows his stuff, but it isn't in this book! His book on coues deer is very good, however.
I agree that Kirk Darners book is one of the best, There is another on out written by Dwight Shu can't remember the name, but it was a real good book.
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I just ordered "Hunting Open Country Mule deer" by Dwight Schuh. Sounds like its a good one.
Both brand new books, both GOOD!

First on Public Land Mulies

2nd on Bowhunting
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publicland mulies the bottom line is one of the top muile books by david long
"MuleyMadness" wrote:Both brand new books, both GOOD!

First on Public Land Mulies

2nd on Bowhunting
I have both of these books, both very good.

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I just read Public Land Muleys the bottom line and was very impressed on the common sense things I picked up.
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Sounds like you got lucky with those Pentax, big gameLV, i have a pair of 9x63 that i dropped and knocked out of alignment. I sent those in to for repairs too and they still make me dizzy looking through them. ](*,)
I was pretty dissappointed too, because i loved how big and sturdy they seemed, not too mention clear as a bell!
It seems too me that the cheaper optics companies have good glass, it's just what holds them together that aren't quite "up to par" with the "big" companies. :>/
I have a Leica Televid 77 spotting scope, Zeizz Classic 10x40, and a pair of Swarovski 8x30 that i use while personal hunting and guiding. Every one of these have their own purpose and i trust each and everyone of them in the harshest, roughest enviroment i could put them through. I have dropped those old Zeiss many times and they are as true as true can get and are the best glasses out there, IMO. =D>
(Here's a little hint for anyone that owns them...roll back they eye cups, it's like opening the curtain to the movie screen in a theater!!) :thumb
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It seems with scopes, bino's etc. that you pay for what you get.
Sorry to hear about your Pentax, but I'm sure your good with the brands you own now.
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I have "Hunting Open-Country Mule deer" by Dwight Schuh along with a couple other books. This was by far the best. It is for bow hunters, but if it works for getting a bow hunter within 30 yds I think it will work for muzzleloader, which is what my son and I hunt with.
I agree with all these books spoken about.