got a johnny stewart wireless predator e-call for my B-day!
1/28/08 11:31am
My wife bought me this Johnny Stewart wireless e call for my birthday last week. I took it out on Saturday to a place where I know the coyotes are thick.
I have never tried calling them in. I have shot plenty of dogs just out hiking, but never coming to a call.
I have no idea how to properly layout the setup so I guessed. We ended up having a couple dogs come in right off the bat but as they circled to get down wind they got spooky and never came into range.
The call is amazing with the ability to have two sounds playing at the same time and it is wireless with a range of 100-250 yards for the remote.
I need some input on how to most effectively arrange my setup so that the dogs come in from down wind but don't catch my scent and still get them into range. I also need input on the following items: is scent elimination necessary, I used a feather on a hanger for a decoy, is there a better decoy, how to use the hills and flats to my advantage, time of day that works best, what sounds have worked best for those of you that have this call, volume setting, and sound play duration and how much to rest between rounds of sound and how to use the wind in my setup (a diagram would be awesome).
I liked the goat kid distress mixed with the cotton tail distress. That was what I was playing when the dogs came running. I think I may have had it set too loud and spooked them. Our cover that we setup in wasn't great either. Anyway, maybe there are some other southwest Idaho guys using this call that can offer some input on what works to a guy just getting into the sport.
As always thank you in advance!
I think I will give the new call at least one more try, but I am seriously considering taking the call back and trading it for a nice mouth call and a start toward the Garmin Rhino GPS/Radio I want.
I hope you are more successful with yours than I have been with mine so far. In the past I have shot a couple coyote's a day while just out driving and glassing for them. It is frustrating to hike a mile or two from the trail and spend a 1/2 setting up then spend 45 minutes calling and not see any coyotes. I could have probably seen at least one dog while driving around for the hour and a half it took me to do that series.
Then my buddy fell through the crust on the snow and sunk about 4 feet and hit his knee on a rock. I thought I was going to have to carry him out. That would have sucked.
Anyway, we could hear them howling all over out there, but nothing came to our calls. We set up three times and didn't see another dog. We did see about 500 deer though.
Oh well.