GOT A LITTLE ONE!!!story and pics
11/15/06 8:02pm
made it out this so into stalking I forgot to take pics.saw about 75 differant deer in my little honey hole,but no bruisers ??? ??? . Man I had fun. had a friend with and taught him how to get really close.we even spooked up a couple deer at about 10 feet!!We didn't even know they were there until it was to late. #-o Thats ok they were does.I got so tired of seeeing nothing but small forkies and little three points I told my friend that if I saw a nice spike that wasn't far from the truck I was going to take him.This was when we were still about 2 1/2 miles in from the truck.So on the way out while working our way down the creek bottom back to the truck we came on a nice little herd of 8 deer. a nice 3x3 and a 2x3 were with about 6 does and fawns.well I decided I didn't want one of them because after studying them from about 40 yards I could see they had potential so I let em walk.Well now we are about 3/4 of a mile from the truck and still no deer down and it was still to far to drag just for a doe. I had 3 doe tags I could have filled this morning but with such a long season to fill the doe tags I wasn't in a hurry.have half of december and all of january to fill doe tags.Well Then I saw him a spike that would do. A nice big body and nice tender meat for the freezer.OH crap I spooked him, he ran out to about 225 yards and turned broadside.Well heck for the 30-06 that is a chip shot so I steadied the rifle on a old wood fence post that must be about 50 years old and made one shot.WWWHHAAAPP he went about 20 feet and dropped.One of the best shots I've made in a long time,severed the arteries right off the buddy couldn't believe it.I told him just ask RIC(ricfirefighter) I make long shots like that all the time.
Well even though he is a SPIKE here are a couple pics. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />
OH MAN DID I SAY SPIKE!!I MEANT A BROKEN UP FIGHTER **!! :what-do-u-think :) :)
Well even though he is a SPIKE here are a couple pics.

OH MAN DID I SAY SPIKE!!I MEANT A BROKEN UP FIGHTER **!! :what-do-u-think :) :)
Great lookin' buck my friend. Sounds like a GREAT time!
I thought you were serious.
not? I went to SDSU on a full ride scholarship ten years ago. Nice to see a fellow Dakotan! I'm figuring it's a Dodge you drive, or ...?
Anyway, 30.06 is a heck ova gun eh? Nothing like those 180 grainers! Does those spikes in like nobody's business! :)) Where'd ya get him? Looks like somewhere south of 90.
Yep oregoneric I live west river.I live in Belle and this deer was taken about 50 miles north of Belle Fourche. I shoot 165 grain btsp that I load myself. And I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a dodge. I drive a Toyota.I knew a girl that moved from rapid to huron about 16 years ago haven't seen her since.