GOT A LITTLE ONE!!!story and pics

made it out this so into stalking I forgot to take pics.saw about 75 differant deer in my little honey hole,but no bruisers ??? ??? . Man I had fun. had a friend with and taught him how to get really close.we even spooked up a couple deer at about 10 feet!!We didn't even know they were there until it was to late. #-o Thats ok they were does.I got so tired of seeeing nothing but small forkies and little three points I told my friend that if I saw a nice spike that wasn't far from the truck I was going to take him.This was when we were still about 2 1/2 miles in from the truck.So on the way out while working our way down the creek bottom back to the truck we came on a nice little herd of 8 deer. a nice 3x3 and a 2x3 were with about 6 does and fawns.well I decided I didn't want one of them because after studying them from about 40 yards I could see they had potential so I let em walk.Well now we are about 3/4 of a mile from the truck and still no deer down and it was still to far to drag just for a doe. I had 3 doe tags I could have filled this morning but with such a long season to fill the doe tags I wasn't in a hurry.have half of december and all of january to fill doe tags.Well Then I saw him a spike that would do. A nice big body and nice tender meat for the freezer.OH crap I spooked him, he ran out to about 225 yards and turned broadside.Well heck for the 30-06 that is a chip shot so I steadied the rifle on a old wood fence post that must be about 50 years old and made one shot.WWWHHAAAPP he went about 20 feet and dropped.One of the best shots I've made in a long time,severed the arteries right off the buddy couldn't believe it.I told him just ask RIC(ricfirefighter) I make long shots like that all the time.

Well even though he is a SPIKE here are a couple pics." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

OH MAN DID I SAY SPIKE!!I MEANT A BROKEN UP FIGHTER **!! :what-do-u-think :) :)
LMHO!!! Muleystalker01, ya had me going! In fact, I read the story and then looked at the pics. I THOUGHT I missed something so I re-read the post before seeing your last statement at the end!

Great lookin' buck my friend. Sounds like a GREAT time!
lol great story and congrats
Nice one, and yep you messed with my mind in that story.

I thought you were serious.
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Hey there Stalker! I grew up in Huron. Obviously you are west river, or...
not? I went to SDSU on a full ride scholarship ten years ago. Nice to see a fellow Dakotan! I'm figuring it's a Dodge you drive, or ...?

Anyway, 30.06 is a heck ova gun eh? Nothing like those 180 grainers! Does those spikes in like nobody's business! :)) Where'd ya get him? Looks like somewhere south of 90.
Touch 'em all
Looks like a great buck! The cameraman is taking his life in his own hands. Look at where the gun is pointed in the 4th picture. SCARY!! Looks like its shooting right at you. :222
The cameraman is taking his life in his own hands. Look at where the gun is pointed in the 4th picture.
Never noticed that. Might wanna point the gun elsewhere or move the [@] MAN. :)
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Yeh I told him to move it a couple times but he was busy trying to get good pics.

Yep oregoneric I live west river.I live in Belle and this deer was taken about 50 miles north of Belle Fourche. I shoot 165 grain btsp that I load myself. And I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a dodge. I drive a Toyota.I knew a girl that moved from rapid to huron about 16 years ago haven't seen her since.
oh ya. toyotas rock
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Got me too. Loved the story and those are some super pics. 180 gr Combined Tech over Rel 22 is all my ottersix eats. Super combination. Congrats!
got me too by the way nice spike
Nice Muley! :thumb Good job!