Got a new toy!
3/26/07 7:56pm
I bought a Ross CR337 compound bow today. I bought it off of ebay. I love that place. The bow runs for about 650 at pro shops. I picked this one up for 475!!! I can't wait till the thing gets here now. I think I will try it out on some unwilling turkeys. I have a Sure-Loc leathal weapon special ops sight I will put on it and a trophy taker fall away. I have to sell my old bow now :>/ The wife said it had to go if I got a new one....Here is a pic of the Ross....ain't she purdy! :arrow " alt="" />

and a realease for it.
i need a new one im thinkin either mattews switchback or bowtech tribute. i like them both and i am undecided on which one.