got a question
12/12/07 12:16am
Ok I have a question there was a picture floating around the net. Of a large non typical muledeer being held up by a guy, in front of a brick wall. I have seen that they have said it was killed in montana, Idaho, Colorado, Utah,, just curious if any one has anyinfo on this buck. Their is a guy at my work that says he knows the person that shot it here in montana. I don't think so.But I want proof before I pass judgment.
thankx for your help.
thankx for your help.
What a BIG buck! :thumb
Travis Crane, ID 2007 A Real Wallhanger
December 13, 2007
Travis Crane took this huge mule deer in Bear Lake County, Idaho this fall. No word on score yet, but this deer is a real monster, nonetheless.
regardless of state, that is a HOSS