Got a test for ya!

1. You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

2. If you overtake the last person, then you are...?

3. Exactly how many slices of 1.5 cm each can you cut from a whole bread which is 22.5 cm long?

4. If a electric trian is going north At 100KM per hr. and the wind is blowing south At 10KM per hr. which way does the smoke go and how fast ?

5. There is a family with a mother and a father. 7 sisters. Each sister has 1 brother. How many people are in the family total?

6. You come to a fork in the road while on your road to cario. You meet with two people. One of them always lies and the other always tells the truth. You dont know which one. You can only ask them one question. What is it? (You wanna find the way to cario)

7. There is a cabin found in the woods full of dead people. How did they die?

8. What happened in 1961 and will not happen again until 6009?

9. On my way to the fair, I met 7 jugglers and a bear, every juggler had 6 cats, every cat had 5 rats, every rat had 4 houses, every house had 3 mouses, every mouse had 2 louses, every louse had a spouse. How many in all are going to the fair?

10. A man left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home there were two masked men. Who were they?

11. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Answer away !!! If you add some questions, keep adding numbers. Next one (12). Put the Number of the one you answer in front of your answer
1. Second place
2. Second from last
3. Depends on the width of the blade used to cut the bread.
4. Up
5. 16
6. Which road will lead me to Cario?
7. Not a clue.
8. Not a clue.
9. One
10. Burglars
11. Mt. Everest

Sorry, don't have any others to add at the moment. How'd I do?
4. eletric trains dont have smoke!!!!! :)

"9er" wrote:4. eletric trains dont have smoke!!!!! :)


thats what i was bouta say. Lol. i dont like these trick things though. They mess with my brain to much lol
1. Second place
2. Second from last
3. One - After you make the first cut, the loaf is not whole anymore.
4. Electric trains don't have smoke (as mentioned above)!
5. 10
6. Ask them both what the other would say.
7. Airplane crash perhaps.....????
8. The year reads the same upside down.
9. One
10. The batter was playing baseball...the catcher and umpire were waiting there....
11. Mt. Everest - it was still there even if it hadn't been discovered yet...
10. They died of either suffocation or smoke
2. You are in first place. You just lapped the person in last place.