Got charged for a NV Antelope !!!!
6/10/08 9:33am
If you applied to NV check your Credit cards, I just got hit for $300.00,so I think I drew a NV Nonresident (I live in California but work in NV).
Mu first choice was the sheldon (033) I hope I drew there and not my second or third options, wont know till the official results come out on June 20th!!!
Now I hope I dont draw WY Antelope, - I would be a bit stretched to do both. :-k
Mu first choice was the sheldon (033) I hope I drew there and not my second or third options, wont know till the official results come out on June 20th!!!
Now I hope I dont draw WY Antelope, - I would be a bit stretched to do both. :-k

6/10/08 9:51am

6/11/08 6:34am
congrats on the draw antleope hunting is a blast and Nevada has some great ones... :thumb

6/11/08 11:21am
Congrats on a good tag. I hope you have a great hunt and kill a big one.

Snake River Marksman
6/11/08 4:00pm
I didn't even apply for a tag this year. I've got two friends coming to hunt this fall, and both will likely have to buy over the counter tags for eastern Wyoming so I won't have time to hunt "locally" I'll just buy left over doe tags, and fill the freezer that way

6/14/08 12:36am
Thanks! Results officially came out today. No deer tag this year :>/ , but I'll get a chance after my first goat in area 041-042 (second choice) but should be a good hunt. I also applied for WY, now I'm kinda hoping i dont draw , but if I do, it will be a quicky hunt ( applied for 062 in WY with one point). :-k