Got Mine
9/19/06 7:31pm
I'm new at this forum, so nice to meet everyone. :)
This year was my first year archery hunting. I got a cow. On September 2nd i got my cow in colorado. Here is a pic of it." alt="" />
This year was my first year archery hunting. I got a cow. On September 2nd i got my cow in colorado. Here is a pic of it.

Great job and ::wel to MuleyMadness.
thanks for posting and sharing your success.
a week later i got my fall turkey really close where i got my elk.
here it is...
Just a quick note on your images, they are HUGE...meaning the file size (1.4 MB) to be exact.
If you could use or find some photo editing program to save in a jpg format for the web it would allow them to load WAY faster.
I know this is easier said than done, and is confusing to some people.
I use Photoshop for my editing.
(loads fast for me)
We have a few guys on here from Colorado Springs.
Thanks for posting those nice bow kills. ::wel to Muleymadness.
Not very many elk bow hunters get a elk their very first year, Congratulations.
My first bow kill elk was a calf too. :) Some great eating.